US Navy life preserver LPU-23/P. Used in aircraft equipped with ejection seat. US Navy mask and oxygen regulator bags US Navy leg restraint garters used on GRU-7A ejection seat Fire-resistant flight gloves GS/FRB-2 Skull cap flight boots. ( US Navy flight bag US Navy ...
Medical Supply Catalogs Medics treat battle casualties at a Field Hospital at the beachead of Utah Beach. Casualties are being issued with Life Preserver Belts in preparation for their evacuation to England. Taken on June 11th, 1944. The US Army produced a number of documents during and after ...
Then Foy saw a woman face down in the water, wearing a life preserver. She was unconscious. Foy used his body to keep her head out of the water, carrying her on his chest as he swam toward the floating debris. He placed her on it and then pulled it toward a lifeguard boat that ...
Minitimes toys是一家新出来的现代军事题材兵人厂家,之前推出过夜跳HALO和四眼海豹等题材的兵人,这次又推出了一款曾经的超热门题材的兵人,海豹水鬼HALO US NAVY SEAL HALO UDT JUMPER。 作为曾经的一大热门题材,HALO( High Altitude - Low Opening 高跳低开)可谓是不论品牌、不论装备,只要是发售必将成为热炒的对象。