Ambassador Dai Bing said repeated council meetings and calls for more sanctions on North Korea "neither embodies the constructive role of easing the situation, nor brings new ideas conducive for solving the problem." "Exclusively pursuing and piling on sanctions will only lead to a ...
“The United States along with G7 leaders will announce our intent to help Ukraine build a military that can defend itself and deter a future attack,” said Amanda Sloat, senior director for Europe on the US’s National Security Council. The US and its partners will launch a process of bi...
Nepalese officials have indicated that the US National Security Council’s Senior Director for South Asia, Rear Admiral Eileen Laubacher, is also expected to visit Kathmandu. Most recently, Nepal’s government barred a visit by CIA Director William J Burns because“the timing of the trip was no...
Seoul and their partners have long shunned describing North Korea as a nuclear state because that could be seen as accepting its pursuit of nuclear weapons in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions
The secretary of Ukraine's national security council, Oleksandr Lytvynenko, told parliament last month that Kyiv will be calling up another 160,000 people to serve in its military. The US official said the Joe Biden administration believes Ukraine will probably need more than an e...
However,itwasconfirmedthatthefirstdaughternowhasaWestWingofficenexttosenioradviserDinaPowell,whoservesontheNationalSecurityCouncil. Ivankawillgetaccesstoclassifiedinformationandbegivensecurityclearance. IvankahasbeenaveryvisiblepresenceduringTrump'sfirsttwomonthsintheWhiteHouse,participatinginmeetingswithShinzoAbe,theJapane...
For example, those families wishing to maintain a same sex bi-national relationship with a non-American in the United States could be deeply impacted by both American and Canadian policy regarding same sex marriage. This issue could further be hypothetically defined where the same sex marriage (...
"The Rise of Al-Qaeda’s Khorsan Group: What It Means for U.S. National Security"| James Phillips in Heritage (October 6, 2014) "Targeted by U.S. airstrikes: The secretive al-Qaeda cell was plotting an ‘imminent attack’" | The Washington Post (September 23, 2014) ...
Bolton said Trump has chaired two full National Security Council meetings, as well as "countless" other discussions on the subject. "The threat is real. It is continuing," Coats said, later adding, "We are doing everything we can to have a legitimate election." Yet the officials' unite...
President-elect Donald Trump is likely to pick Sen. Marco Rubio as his secretary of state, two people familiar with his thinking told CNN, as he rounds out his national security team. Meanwhile, the balance of the House of Representatives is still undeci