The National Institute on Aging (NIA) leads the federal government's effort conducting and supporting research on the biomedical,social and behavioral aspects of aging and the problems of older people.The Division of Aging Biology (DAB) program fosters extramural research and training focused on eluc...
Ethical approval for HRS was obtained by the relevant committees at the University of Michigan and the US National Institute on Aging, the primary sponsor of HRS. For ELSA ethical approval and experimental protocols were granted by the Multi-centre Research and Ethics Committee (MREC). Respondents...
National Institute on Aging. Published August 24, 2021. Accessed March 1, 2022. 94. Liu S, O’Donnell J, Gladden RM, McGlone L, Chowdhury F. Trends in nonfatal and fatal overdoses ...
30. National Institute on Aging. Prevent falls and fractures. 2017. Accessed February 23, 2018. 31. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. STEADI materials for health care providers. ...
In the covering letters, she requested that they not be directed into the pool of applications competing for money from the National Institute on Aging (NIA). "I don't put any grants into NIA now because their funding line is so low it's almost impossible to get funded," says Duff. ...
近期,小编观察到,那个以“国人友好、毕业神刊”而广为人知的期刊Aging-US,目前正处于“on hold”的状态。尽管Aging-US在2020年和2021年曾被列入“预警等级:中”的名单,但IF5分+对于急于毕业的硕士和博士研究生吸引力仍然很大; 投稿选刊,欢迎咨询 Aging-US简介 期刊名称:Aging-US 创刊时间:2008年 出版社:Impact...
and Biological Technologies (STTR [R41/R42]) 2 Development of Synthetic and Natural Biomaterial Reference Materials 3 National Center on Sleep Disorders Research 4 National Institute on Aging (NIA) 5 Behavioral and Social Research 5 Biology of Aging 8 Neuroscience and Neuropsychology of Aging 9 Geria...
Council on Aging Services for Seniors is a private 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization which has been providing services for Sonoma County citizens over the age of 60 since 1966. The area’s beautiful surroundings, safe atmosphere, and senior housing have attracted over 137,000 older adults to...
值得注意的是,在“on hold”状态持续期间,Aging-US出版的论文将暂时不会被SCIE继续收录。 “on hold”是一个动态标注,因此,不论被解除on hold标记的期刊,最后被移除或是继续收录,各大出版商必定会调整发展策略,从而提升了发表的不确定风险。 杂志很多,大家投稿时不要急于一时,对于那些突然扩刊、发表文章质量参差...
27. National Institute on Aging website. Accessed January 6, 2020. 28. Siu AL; U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant women: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force rec...