An Analysis of US National Defense Strategy 2005%美国2005年《国防战略》报告简析 美国2005年《国防战略》军事恐怖主义单边主义3月18日,美国国防部正式公布2005年版《美国国防战略》报告(以下简称"报告").该"报告"是在总结阿富汗战争,伊拉克战争以及其他军事行动经验教训的基础上形成的,提出了美军为适应新形势而加速...
x The role that missile defense capabilities and conventional strike forces play in determining the role and size of nuclear forces x The levels and composition of the nuclear delivery systems that will be required for implementing the United States national and military strategy, including any plans...
remarkably readableNational Military Strategy(NMS). This document, alongside the President’s National Security Strategy (NSS) and the Secretary of Defense’s National Defense Strategy (NDS), forms the three pillars of top-level U.S. defense strategy. The NMS offers the Chairman’s ...
I read this piece “…together with the more-detailed Department of Defense cyber strategy and the classified National Security Presidential Memorandum 13,…” and immediately thought that I must be reading a script from the TV show Get Smart. But I suppose that even they wouldn’t have been ...
2017. He was a major figure in the Obama administration's "pivot towards Asia" strategy. In a recent interview with James Chau of China-US Focus in Tokyo, Daniel Russel shares his concerns on U.S.-China rivalry in new technologies and its impact on bilateral relations and the globe as ...
it is recommended that three aspects of works being promoted to enhance the cybersecurity and operation in cyberspace: first,to plan and develop our national strategy for operating in cyberspace;second,to update and improve the internal coordination mechanism of the cybersecurity expeditiously;third,to...
God help the American People if Congress starts legislating military strategy Senator Richard RussellThis is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Preview Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF.
National Strategy for the research and development of distributed ledger technology (DLT). The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) will be responsible for developing the strategy. In fact, the OSTP isn’t part of the Department of Defense as it sits within the Office of the ...
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