I peeked at my christmas gifts and my aunt got me the Moto G, US GSM version. I got a free micro sim card previously from T-Mobile because I was confident she'd get me the phone . Anyways I'm new to android phones and don't know how these settings work or if they are all the...
my T-Mobile LG V60 just got upgraded to android 12. it works smoother. yet the problem of autofocus in camera persist. and default gallery still likes to works ages when listing and displaying images. as for the battery it can last about over 9.5 hours from 100% (i works with my phone...
KeyGsmDtmfToneDelayInt KeyGsmNonroamingNetworksStringArray KeyGsmRoamingNetworksStringArray KeyHasInCallNoiseSuppressionBool KeyHideCarrierNetworkSettingsBool KeyHideEnable2g KeyHideEnhanced4gLteBool KeyHideImsApnBool KeyHideLtePlusDataIconBool KeyHidePreferredNetworkTypeBool KeyHidePresetApnDetailsBool KeyH...
the fact is, "can I use gsm 900mhz sim card for call and sms??" obviously it is a cdma mobile. but is there any way that I can make my mobile gsm supported...??? sire please help I cant use(call and sms) my mobile since my father took it from US. ...
Select if this APN is directed to Samsung devices. If you want non-Samsung devices, go toAPN settings for Android devices. Preferred APN SelectOnto set this APN as preferred. Note that having more than one APN as preferred on a device will be flagged as error by the Mobile@Work client....
Wifi Net.Wifi.Aware Net.Wifi.Hotspot2 Net.Wifi.Hotspot2.Omadm Net.Wifi.Hotspot2.Pps Keystore Service.Assist.Classification Controls Credentials Media Service.Notification Android.Service.QuickAccessWallet Service.QuickSettings Service.Restrictions
Provisioning is vital for cellular-connectable devices because each mobile operator has different APN configurations for its network. APN configurations can generally be split into two categories:APN configurations that are known to the OS because there are applications or clients abov...
VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings.InterfaceConsts Android.Telephony.Cdma Android.Telephony.Data Android.Telephony.Emergency Android.Telephony.Euicc Android.Telephony.Gsm Android.Telephony.Ims Android.Telephony.Ims.Feature Android.Telephony.Ims.Stub Android.Telephony.Mbms Android.Test Android.Test.Mock Android.Test...
See GSM specification 07.07 "10.1.1 Define PDP Context +CGDCONT" for more information. Note When using an XML provisioning file to configure Pocket PC GPRS entries, the APN value will be set, but will not be seen in the Pocket PC user interface. The Pocket PC user interface shows the ...
The mobile phase consisted of water with 0.1% formic acid (elute A) and acetonitrile with 0.02% formic acid (elute B). The gradient eluent at a flow rate of 0.9 mL/min was programmed as follows: 0 min, 0%B; 3.0 min, 0% B; 11.0 min, 83% B; 11.1 min, 0%; 15 min, 0% B....