Venture Surplus is an online Army Surplus & Military Surplus store with a focus on genuine gear & great service. Genuine issue pouches, uniforms, and more!
US Military Forum is a user-friendly research and discussion forum for collectors of historic United States militaria - This user-friendly militaria forum has been going strong since 2006 - our sister forum World Military Forum is for collectors of Japan
His father started the company MEPCO (Military Equipment Parts COmpany), which bought and sold military surplus specializing in Jeep and truck parts. Mark began working in the yard at just 9 years old. During his high school days, he worked at Jeep Joint repairing and restoring Jeeps in the...
US Military Forum is a user-friendly research and discussion forum for collectors of historic United States militaria - This user-friendly militaria forum has been going strong since 2006 - our sister forum World Military Forum is for collectors of Japan
Police say the equipment, which includes free body armor, night vision goggles and scopes, keeps officers safe and prepares them for the worst case. "A lot evolved from the military, no question," said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Chief Bill McSweeney, who heads the detective division. "Is...
United States of America (1945-1946) Demolition Tank – 1 Built During World War II, US demolition crews faced the critical task of dismantling enemy fortifications and obstacles, sometimes under fire. They lacked a dedicated vehicle for this in the US arsenal. Various tools, like dozer blade ...
Other vehicles Unicornotesits products are part of include the F-15 Eagle (Boeing) andF-16Fighting Falcon (Lockheed Martin) jets and the Cobra (Bell/Textron) helicopter. Unicor also manufactures bulletproof body armor and used to supply the military with combat helmets until a quality-control is...
“They might need to search over rubble or in difficult environmental conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, often wearing heavy body armor. They also might spend the day detecting specific scents among thousands of others, requiring intense mental concentration. Each function requires dogs to ...
Since introducing ‘My Child’s Pack’ to the public ten years ago, Bullet Blocker has expanded and now sells a range of bullet-resistant products including bulletproof clothing, inserts, body armor, and more. In addition to our school and workplace safety solutions, we specialize in manufacturi...
Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Mark Falkner grew up in a family of 10 children. His father started the company MEPCO (Military Equipment Parts COmpany), which bought and sold military surplus specializing in Jeep and truck parts. Mark began working in the yard at just 9 years old. During...