Okinawa, US Military Bases in Japan Kadena Air Base is a United States Air Force installation on the Japanese island of Okinawa, often referred to as the “Keystone of the Pacific”. At present, it is the largest United States Air Force base in the Pacific region. Kadena Air Base is home...
Okinawa residents and the island's governor, Denny Tamaki, have long complained about accidents and crime related to U.S military bases, expressed anger over the alleged crime and lack of disclosure. READ: The 10 Oldest U.S. Presidents ...
Most service members at US military bases in Japan found guilty of sex crimes in recent years did not go to prison, according to internal Department of Defense documents. Instead, in a review of hundreds of cases filed in America’s largest overseas military installation, offenders were fi...
OKINAWA-ken (Japan)JAPANUNITED States armed forcesMILITARY basesPUBLIC opinionMILITARY personnelDEPLOYMENT (Military strategy)EXTERNALITIESIn a recently published article, Allen et al. (Outside the wire: U.S. military deployments and public opinion in host states', American Political Science Review, ...
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US military uses balloons, disguises recon aircraft as civilian planes to spy on China: report Several US military spy aircraft operate in the East China Sea and the Philippine Sea on August 9, 2022 amid PLA's large-scale exercises around the island of Taiwan. Photo: Courtesy of MizarVision ...
Beijing's increasing military might has fuelled Japanese anxiety that should conflict break out in Taiwan, Japan would not only be pulled into a war between the US and China, but also targeted as a US ally. It hosts US military bases and has the biggest concentration of troops outside Ameri...
Objective: The spread and energy of protests against racial injustice and police brutality throughout summer 2020 featured the forcible removal of monuments by members of the public. In this article, we argue that these "publicly initiat... ...
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government is behind the security agreement with the US, and wants Japan to take on a bigger military role on the international stage. But those at the rally disagree. “This is not how we want the country to be,” said university student Jinshiro Motoyama. “...
Okinawa, US Military Bases in Japan Kadena Air Base is a United States Air Force installation on the Japanese island of Okinawa, often referred to as the “Keystone of the Pacific”. At present, it is the largest United States Air Force base in the Pacific region. Kadena Air Base is home...