Metro areas by population National differences between male and female populations can also be analyzed by metropolitan areas. In general, a metropolitan area is a region with a main city at its center and adjacent communities that are all connected by social and economic factors. The largest metr...
The regional adjustment model is used to analyze changes in population and employment across the American metropolitan landscape between 1990 and 2015. Estimates are made for the effects of natural and human-created amenities on population change and the effects of wages, self-employment, patents, ...
US Immigrant Population by Metropolitan Area. (Migration Policy Institute, 2013); Chiswick, B. R. & Miller, P. W. Where Immigrants Settle in the United States (IZA, 2004); htt...
After analyzing the 150 most popular metropolitan areas across the United States, US News & World Report has named the best place to live inIndianafor 2023. Statistics and Methodology Utilizing statistics from a number of sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau, theFBI, and the U.S. Depar...
After analyzing the 150 most popular metropolitan areas across the United States, US News & World Report has named the best place to live inIndianafor 2023. Statistics and Methodology Utilizing statistics from a number of sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau, theFBI, and the U.S. Depar...
Employment trends are analysed for the period 1969-94 across metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas (disaggregated spatially) by region and by sector. The decentralisation story is persistent but complex. The 1980s turns out to be an aberration (and even in that period, suburban growth was strong...
Nearly all of the demographic variables come from the 2023 American Community Survey (5-year estimate) which is run by the United States Census Bureau. The value ofpopulationis estimated using 2023 ACS 1-year data (when available for urban areas) and 2023 ACS 5-year data when not. ...
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities in the United States.Note Microsoft provides Azure Open Datasets on an “as is” ...
(Hispanic, non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and other; self-defined using US Census Bureau categories), marital status (unmarried vs others), urbanicity (metropolitan statistical areas vs others), and poverty (less than 100%, 100% to 200%, and greater than 200% of the federal ...
Population deconcentration in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas of the United States 1950-1975 The authors examine trends in population resdistribution within metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas of the United States between 1950 and 1975. In parti... GV Fuguitt,DT Lichter,CL Beale - 《Populat...