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In fuel cell technology, triple phase boundaries (TPB) are crucial linear interfaces where three phases intersect, enabling electrochemical reactions. The TPB density, a vital metric for cell efficiency, can be quantified using the newly introduced "Triple Phase Boundaries" modul...
Determination of QAC surfactants by argentometric auto titrator Support Knowledge Base: Certificates of Analysis and SDS for Orion, ROSS, AQUAfast, AquaMate, and AquaSensors products. Orion Meters Software and Upgrades Thermo Scientific Orion benchtop and portable meters are designed to help deliver accu...
When comparing US GAAP and IFRS, differences in the definition of the word “probable” and the measurement techniques used can lead to differences in both the recognition and amount of Contingent Liabilities. IFRS has a lower threshold for recognition as its definition of probable is > 50%, wh...
from 0 to 100% for each 30 × 30 m pixel in 2016. This release was the most recent available during data retrieval (September 2022). To identify whether the PAD-US-AR was unique from these other estimates of nature exposure, we examined bivariate correlations between each metric and...
Among them: DevOps and SRE are complementary; successful SRE equals knowing your customer; documentation is critical, but it should be organic; and there’s a newly-announced “Reliability” metric. The group also discusses customer satisfaction and the new “Release Management” role in DevOps/...
In fuel cell technology, triple phase boundaries (TPB) are crucial linear interfaces where three phases intersect, enabling electrochemical reactions. The TPB density, a vital metric for cell efficiency, can be quantified using the newly introduced "Triple Phase Boundaries" module, which extracts a ...
These summary measures in the minute summary file (PAXMIN) are specified in Monitor-Independent Movement Summary (MIMS) units, which is a non-proprietary, open-source, device-independent universal summary metric developed by researchers at Northeastern University12. MIMS triaxial value (variable name:...
19,20 Among health systems that publicly reported performance data in state health care measurement and improvement collaboratives, a purposive sample of 24 were selected for the RAND Health System Study to achieve variability on key attributes (eg, size and performance). The incentives component ...
Activity in and of itself is not a metric for success. Organizations must stop conflating activity with achievement.²⁷ A bold willingness to address these upstream systemic drivers must be an integral part of future investment strategies. Going forward, funders must build on lessons learned ...