翻译 US Marine Corps 释义 n. 美国海军陆战队 英英释义 Noun 1. an amphibious division of the United States Navy
Marine Corps海军陆战队 US Army Corps of Engineers美国陆军工程兵团(又称美国陆军工兵队、美国陆军工程师兵团等,英语:United States Army Corps of Engineers,USACE)是隶属于美国联邦政府和美国军队的机构,一共有 United States Marine Corpsphr. 美国海军陆战队 ...
网络海军陆战队 网络释义 1. 海军陆战队 ...美国国会立法“海军陆战队是一个独立军种”,正式创建海军陆战队(USMarineCorps),简称USMC,意为“通过海运投放的部 … www.foxshuo.cn|基于4个网页
US Marine Corps 英 [əs məˈriːn kɔː(r)] 美 [əs məˈriːn kɔːr]网络 海军陆战队; 美国海军陆战队; 美国陆战队; 海兵队
From uniform changes to Marine Corps pay, promotion lists, and the latest gear, find everything you need to stay up-to-date on the U.S. Marine Corps.
From uniform changes to Marine Corps pay, promotion lists, and the latest gear, find everything you need to stay up-to-date on the U.S. Marine Corps.
US Marine Corps- an amphibious division of the United States Navy Marine Corps,United States Marine Corps,United States Marines,USMC United States Navy,US Navy,USN,Navy- the navy of the United States of America; the agency that maintains and trains and equips combat-ready naval forces ...
Multiple agencies were searching for a U.S. Marine Corps helicopter crew that went missing in Southern California. Feb 8, 2024 Aboard a U.S. warship braced for any spill-over of the Israel-Hamas war The troops on the USS Bataan are part of a U.S. military presence ready to respond to...
海军陆战队(US Marine Corps)是美军的精英军种,要成为陆战队一员要经过异常艰苦训练。11月是美国海军陆战队新兵毕业季,有美国媒体直击陆战队新兵魔鬼训练,闯关「炼钢炉」脱胎换骨的过程。(视频来源: 联合新闻网)LKevin在纽约的微博视频
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