US life expectancy dropped by 1.8 years in 2020, final official figures showed yesterday — the steepest drop in more than 75 years, driven in large part by the COVID-19 pandemic. Life expectancy at birth was 77.0 years for the total US population last year, down from 78.8 years in 2019...
Life expectancy in 2020 fell more for Hispanic and Black males for 4.5 and 3.6 years respectively, compared with 1.5 years for White males. These drops nearly eliminated the previous life-expectancy advantage for the Hispanic...
Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years a baby born in a given year might be expected to live, given death rates at that time. It is "the most fundamental indicator of population health in this country", said Robert Hummer, a University of North Carolina researcher. ...
Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years a baby born in a given year might expect to live. It’s an important statistical snapshot of a country’s health that can be influenced both by sustained trends such as obesity, as well as more temporary threats like pandemics...
[01:11.60]Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number [01:15.56]of years a baby born in a given year [01:18.88]might expect to live, given death rates at that time. [01:24.56]Robert Hummer is a researcher who studies
Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years a baby born in a given year might expect to live. It’s an important statistical snapshot of a country’s health that can be influenced both by sustained trends such as obesity, as well as more temporary threats like pandemics...
Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years a baby born in a given year might expect to live, assuming the death rates at that time hold constant. The snapshot statistic is considered one of the most important measures of the health of the U.S. population. The 2022 ca...
Life expectancy in the United States dropped a staggering one year during the first half of 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic caused its first wave of deaths, health officials are reporting. Minorities suffered the biggest impact, with Black Americans losing nearly three years and Hispanics, nearly ...
” he said. “And that difference in life expectancy between the United States and other countries means, in plain English, that Americans are dying at much higher rates than their peers in other high-income
Life expectancy in the United States dropped for the second consecutive year in 2021, falling to the lowest it has been since 1996, according to final mortality data published Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Cent