The article reports that, according to the Lake Carriers' Association, weak demand from the U.S. construction market reduced limestone loadings to 17.7 million tons through the first three quarters of 2008 from 18.6 million tons in the previous-year period.EBSCO_bspJoc Online...
An atmospheric dispersion model for denser-than-air releases developed by the Laurence Livermore National Laboratory. Four types of releases can be treated by the model: a ground-level evaporating pool, an elevated horizontal jet, a stack or elevated jet, and an instantaneous volume source. ...
Volume 25, Issue 1, 2000 Translator disclaimer Two calanoids, two lakes and a decade or two: An updated record and evaluation of Tropodiaptomus spectabilis and Metadiaptomus meridianus dynamics (species switches, seasonal alternations and ?alternative stable states) in Lakes Midmar and Albert...
The Impact of the Adequate Yearly Progress Requirement of the Federal "No Child Left Behind" Act on Schools in the Great Lakes Region This study finds that nearly every school in the Great Lakes states is threatened to fail the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements mandated by the f.....
BungeeCord, the 6th in a generation of server portal suites. Efficiently proxies and maintains connections and transport between multiple Minecraft servers. - BungeeCord/chat/src/main/resources/mojang-translations/ at master · SpigotMC/B
Please be assured that we will respond to your emails as soon as we can. There are times when we receive a very high volume of communication but please do not duplicate your email.
It not only occupies industries and talents, but also has rivers, lakes and full age education. 约40万方的兰香湖;稍远一些你甚至能看见江景,没错!就是黄浦江那绝美270度江湾。 试问湖景、江景都在视线内,上海还有其它家吗? 紫竹科学园区,上海交通大学、华东师范大学、华师大紫竹基础教育园区一路连缀 ...
This work was funded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 2020-67021-32799, Natural Resources Conservation Service, NR213A750013G00, Michigan State University Foundation, AgBioResearch, Michigan State University, and Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, DE-FC02-07ER64494. Author information...
Maps of a concentrations of microcystins in US lakes, b predicted NO3 in shallow, recently recharged groundwater, and c that of deeper groundwater used for drinking water. Panel a Full size image The second problem with a focus on P control over N control is that many cyanobacteria and mari...
Biomass, Production, and Yields of Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) and Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) in North American Lakes Compilation of available data indicated that walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) biomass in lakes averaged 16 kg/ha, but the data were not adequate to s......