U.S.DepartmentofLabor WageandHourDivision InternetSites WageDeterminations–http://.wdol.gov WageandHourDivision-http://.dol.gov/whd OfficeoftheAdministrativeLawJudgesLawLibrary- http://.oalj.dol.gov AdministrativeReviewBoard-http://.dol.gov/arb ...
What Does The Approval Process Look Like? The three Secretaries must make legal determinations about site availability for leasing or rights of way. Sites receive “cleared” status when the relevant Secretary confirms lease availability and authority. By March 31, 2025, the Defense and Energy Secr...
Figures for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (1982-84=100). The Management Fee shall be paid monthly on the 1st day of each succeeding calendar month with the first payment due on or before January 1, 2003, prorated, based upon a thirty (30) day month, based on the Effective Da...
The Company does not tolerate or participate in any form of modern slavery in its operations. We will not tolerate the use of any kind of forced or indentured labor, including child labor, trafficked labor, prison labor, any labor enforced by debt or threats of violence, or any labor attach...
STANDARDS/ MAJOR DIFFERENCES Question: What standards will be used in making labor certification determinations under the new, streamlined system? ) The standards used in making labor certification determinations under the new system will be substantially the same as those used in arriving at a ...
competing interests: the need to protect jobs with the importance of ensuring farmers an adequate labor force. Nevertheless, the Court cannot merely "rubber stamp" DOL's determinations in this regard when confronted with the Department's illogical refusal to address the consequences of this position...