国际智库 ...US Institute of Peace美国和平中心Nixon Center 尼克森中心 ... home.educities.edu.tw|基于3个网页 3. 智库美国和平研究所 ...拜会了美国国务院,和国务卿希拉蕊进行了会谈,并且向智库美国和平研究所(US Institute of Peace)发表此行的第一场演说。
Journal of Peace EducationWashington DC: US Institute of Peace. Lewis, M. W. and Smith, W. K. (2014) 'Paradox as a Metatheoretical Perspective:Sahnoun, Mohamed. Somalia: The Missed Opportunities Washington: US Institute of Peace, 1994. P.10....
Overall, we rate the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) as least biased based on minimal editorial bias. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record. (D. Van Zandt 03/09/2024) Source:https://www.usip.org/ Last Updated on Ap...
US Institute of PeaceNothing FoundNGO Jobs in Africa | NGO Jobs Ngojobsinafrica.com is Africa’s largest Job site that focuses only on Non-Government Organization job Opportunities across Africa. We publish latest jobs and career information for Africans who intends to build a career in the NGO...
Perito, Robert M.The U.S. Experience with Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan—Lessons Identified. Special Report 152, Washington, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), 2005; JAKOBSEN, Peter Viggo.PRTs in Afghanistan: Successful but not sufficient. DIISReport 2005:6, Copenhagen, Dani...
UN Security Council, US warn of imminent ‘large-scale massacre’, ethnic cleansing in Sudan’s North Darfur May 2, 2024 A senior US official has warned of an impending "large-scale massacre" in Sudan’s North Darfur region, echoing an earlier “deep concern” expressed by the UN ...Read...
6 California Institute of Technology 10 University of Chicago 13 University of Pennsylvania 16 Princeton University 18 Yale University 20 Cornell University 12 Columbia University 24 John’s Hopkins University 25 University of Michigan – Ann Arbor 27 University of California, Berkeley 32 Northwestern Uni...
Firestein's sentiment was echoed at a seminar in Washington, DC, held by the Institute for China-US Studies on Dec 17, at which one of the keynote speakers cautioned all onboard the China-US relations journey to "buckle your seat belt" — hoping for the best, preparing for the worst....
Experts: US scheme smells of containment Photo taken on Aug 4, 2022 shows the White House and a stop sign in Washington, DC, the United States. [Photo/Xinhua] 'Indo-Pacific' strategy expected to raise geopolitical friction and economic costs...
Suggest new definition This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Military and Government See otherdefinitions of EIPC Other Resources: We have 13 othermeanings of EIPCin our Acronym Attic ...