Quotes for US Independence Day 2023 “We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their plows but to secure liberty for their souls.”– Robert J. “My father described this tall lady who stands in the middle of the New York...
4月21日San Jacinto Day 圣哈辛托日,是为了纪念 1836 年 4 月 21 日的圣哈辛托战役。这是德克萨斯革命的最后一场战役,德克萨斯从墨西哥手中赢得了独立。五月 5月4日 Rhode Island Independence Day 罗德岛独立日 区域性节日。5月12日 Arbor Day 植树节,五月的第二个星期五。植树节是一个州定节日,没有全美...
2月14日Arizona Statehood Day亚利桑那州日,地方州节日。 2月14日Valentine’s Day情人节,宗教性质的节日,最早起源于基督教,是为了纪念给新人秘密证婚的神父,现在已经成为全国性质的纪念日。 三月 3月7日Vermont Town Meeting Day佛蒙特镇会议日,每年的三月第一个星期二,地方节日。 3月17日Evacuation Day英国撤退纪...
US Bank 2023 Holidays : Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan-16), Washington's Birthday (Feb-20), Memorial Day (May-29), Juneteenth National Independence Day (Jun-19), Independence Day (Jul-4), Labor Day (Sep-4), Columbus Day (Oct-9) and more
Jan 01New Year's DayJan 02New Year's Day HolidayJan 16M L King Day Feb 20Presidents' DayApr 07Good FridayApr 09Easter Sunday May 29Memorial DayJun 19JuneteenthJul 04Independence Day Sep 04Labor DayOct 09Columbus DayNov 11Veterans Day ...
5. 独立纪念日(Independence Day)- 7月4日 庆祝美国独立日,典型活动包括烧烤、烟花和爱国歌曲。6. 劳动节(Labor Day)- 9月第一个星期一 标志着夏季的结束,也是商场和零售店大促销的日子。7. 哥伦布日(Columbus Day)- 10月第二个星期一 纪念意大利探险家克里斯托弗·哥伦布到达美洲。8. 退...
"I don’t think it’s ever been bigger. It's kind of like stoner Independence Day now,” Leafly Senior Editor David Downs says about 420 in 2023. Photo by Jamie Soja, courtesy of Leafly.It's April, which means two things: Spring is here and 420 is back. It’s the biggest day ...
Veterans Day falls on November 11th every year and honors all who served in America’s armed forces, either in times of war or peace.Veterans Day is commemorated in November. This holiday is significant because it is used to honor all those who fought for American independence in 1775, known...
“It started out as strategic sympathy for the Soviet Union, in the backdrop of India getting independence from the British. So it’s an anti-colonial experience, anti-imperialism,” says Rajeswari (Raji) Pillai Rajagopalan, a political scientist at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi...
For his part, Biden tendered "five noes" — the US does not seek a new Cold War; does not seek to change China's system; the revitalization of its alliances is not directed at China; does not support the independence of the Chinese island of Taiwan; and does not seek conflict with ...