The Apple Watch is no longer being impacted by a tariff applied by the U.S. government on goods imported from China as part of its trade war, with the U.S. Trade Representative approving the exclusion of the wearable device from the financial measures. On September 1, 2019, the administra...
Any tariff exemption on the product(s), if granted, would be retroactive and be valid for one year starting from the imposition of the additional duties. Compared with China’s own exemption procedures, the US tariff exclusion process additionally involves seeking opinions from other relevant i...
The results show that the US imports from China have decreased with the imposition of additional tariffs. It is mainly reflected in the decrease of the intensive margin of the tariff-targeted products, that is, the proportion of the US import from China relative to world has decreased. The ...
When the USTR first announced the tariff plans, the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) had warned that a number of US ports had orders placed with China’s largest container crane manufacturer ZPMC and would, cumulatively, face extra costs of some $131m. ...
Firms in China that import, produce, or use the relevant products or the industrial associations of such firms are eligible to apply for tariff exemption. Respective industrial associations are encouraged to collectively submit the application on behalf of their members. ...
Understanding US import tariffs and taxes is essential to managing overseas shipments. These expenses depend on the Harmonised Tariff Schedule (HTS) categorization, value, and country of origin. Tariffs and charges are assigned to products by the HTS system, which can dramatically increase import cos...
For China, an additional 10% tariff will be charged on goods coming from China, on top of any other tariffs until cracks down on fentanyl being smuggled out the country. 10% is lower than Trump threatened before. as a candidate, he has had pledged to slap 60% tariffs on all goods ...
After high tariffs on Chinese goods in the United States, some Chinese companies frequently attempt to circumvent the US tariff by modifying their origin. Vietnam said that such behavior would damage Vietnam's manufacturing brand and the authorities would take control of the phenomenon. ...
We do not need to re adjust our tariff system to make China's industry more profitable. He called on the United States to continue to impose high tariffs on labour intensive products from China and strive to achieve the pfer of such products from developing countries such as Mexico, which ...
The exemption will be valid from May 19, 2020 to May 18, 2021 This is the second list of US goods to be excluded from the second round of tariff countermeasures against the US Section 301 measure, according to a statement from the Customs Tariff Commission of China's State Council. The ...