This chart shows that violent deaths at US schools remain quite rareThere's been no clear upward trend since the 1990s.Andrew Prokop
The U. S. -China trade relationship has dominated headlines in recent months, but it's the illicit drug trade that some lawmakers and experts believe should be moved to the top of the list of issues between the two countries. Last year, more than 49,000
07-feb (10:24)‘There Were Times I Would Pass Out Physically.’ Tom Cruise’s Latest M:I Stunts Are Not For The Faint Of Heart, But Are Giving Top Gun Vibes( 07-feb (10:24)CBS staffers upset over '60 Minutes' drama, admit Kamala Harris interview edits were an 'un...
3 decades of data show clearly: When gun ownership falls, the chances of getting killed by a gun falls Three decades of data show clearly: gun deaths fall when gun ownership falls and rise when gun ownership rises. partsandlaborbyMaxJul 24, 2019 ...
The combustion of gas inside of homes and businesses to power things like furnaces, water heaters and stoves accounts for 9% of California’s emissions, or 33 million metric tons of heat-trapping gases per year, equivalent to the entire climate footprint of Hong Kong. / ...
To see what they’re doing at the bottom of the chart, I magnified the left-hand scale to the range of 0% to 6%. The yen, the third largest reserve currency, surged from 2015 and hit a share of 6.0% in Q4 2020. Despite the hoopla around Brexit, the ...
Again, what frightens me is that next month the regular flu season begins. Flu deaths will be down a bit, I predict, given this bug and other things have killed a lot of people who might otherwise have died this year from flu. This is conditioned on this year’s flu bug being “rout...
These foreign people come to our borders and shores not on gunboats, not aiming to conquer us, or dominate us in any way. Instead, they throw themselves at our mercy and that of our laws and make themselves available for any type of work no matter how onerous or demeaning it might be...
Sweden is another example: somewhat higher death rate but it may be the case that since a lockdown was intended to slow rather than stop the disease, they were simply front-loading the same number of deaths that would’ve happened anyway. I think the only numbers that re...
I don’t think picking up a gun would work at present. As time goes on, it may become more feasible for the fellows who already have the guns, the armed forces, to intervene. At present we are dominated by the people who live by deception. ...