Preparation of Trademark Application Draft of Trademark Application for client review Submission of Trademark Application Docketing of your trademark application once filed with the US Government Electronic Trademark Registration Certificate TOTAL PRICE: $650 ...
It takes 8-10 months to apply for a U.S. trademark. The process of trademark registration is simple. You only need to determine the name and information, and Pinkeman IP Service can complete the rest of the process!
Trademark Access provides trademark registration services in all 50 US states & territories. Contact our veteran Trademark Attorney 855-549-9900!
Trademark RegistrationUS Trademark In the United States of America, the Lanham Act, is the principal federal legislation, which governs the law relating to trademarks. Section 45 of the said Act defines the term "trademark" as under: The term trademark includes any word, name, symbol or device...
our licensed attorneys will hand-draft and file your trademark application. A trademark application is a complicated legal document. If the application is not completed properly, the USPTO may refuse the application, or, a third party may later challenge the validity of the trademark registration. ...
we launch an online trademark registration system directly connected with the official government. You can offer online business registration certificate or passport and fill in details then make online payment. After payments you will receive electronic legal documents from Chinese government in 2 working...
Reports on the international agreement among the governments of the U.S., Europe and Japan governing the identifications and classifications of goods and services under trademark registration laws. Intellectual property laws; Trademark applications with designations from a list of products; Trade ...
According to the second article of the Trademark Law promulgated by the federal government of the United States in 1946, the Federal Patent and Trademark Office has the right to refuse to apply for registration if any of the following situations occurs. ...
Shanghai World Trade Enterprise Consulting Co., Ltd. provides one-stop services such as company registration, bank account opening, trademark patent application, annual review of company tax returns, accounting and company audit for overseas offshore com
At Trademark 360°, we specialize in trademark law and offer a range of services to help protect your brand and intellectual property. Our experienced trademark attorneys provide comprehensive consulting, strategy, clearance searches, and registration services in the United States. We work with clients...