Sign up to Samsung's Government Offers Program today to unlock exclusive savings on cell phones, TVs, appliances, and more. Free shipping on all orders.
What's new about that is that the federal government is now funding smartphone broadband access inremote areasas part of a $42.35 billion program to connect every American home and business with reliable, affordable and high-speed internet service. In Pennsylvania alone, there are more than 15,...
US government officials reportedly are using cellphone location data from the mobile ad industry to track Americans’ movements during the coronavirus outbreak.
Office 365 US Government 和 Azure 政府版 Express Route Office 365 美國政府客戶可以使用 Azure Government ExpressRoute 服務私下連線到支援的 Office 365 服務,而不是透過公用因特網連線。 如需支援提供者、定價模型等詳細資訊,請檢閱Azure ExpressRoute 資訊。
Office 365 US Government 和 Azure 政府版 Express Route Office 365 美國政府客戶可以使用 Azure Government ExpressRoute 服務私下連線到支援的 Office 365 服務,而不是透過公用因特網連線。 如需支援提供者、定價模型等詳細資訊,請檢閱Azure ExpressRoute 資訊。
Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have speech impairments can connect with USPS by using the FCC’s TRS program: Access your state’s telecommunications relay service (TRS) to make TTY calls by dialing 7-1-1 or ...
Business Insider
The SHIP program enables the U.S. government to access Intel’s U.S. advanced semiconductor packaging capabilities with the goal of developing new approaches toward measurably secure, heterogeneous integration and test of advanced packaging solutions. SHIP will develop the capability to use advanced ...
In response to the unique and evolving requirements of the United States public sector, Microsoft has created Office 365 Government plans (or Office 365 Government). This service description provides an overview of features that are specific to Office 365 Government US environments. We recommend that...
Government Authorities We may share your information with police and other government authorities if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation, or legal process, to detect, protect and enforce the safety of any person, their property or their rights, to address...