州当局 州当局 (State Government) 及联邦当局 (Federal Government) 于政策上为官立学校于财务、设定规范及其他事变方面提供援助。而US government指美国当局,代表全美国,以是state government从属于US governament,即 state government 是US governament的上级构造。答案增补 联邦当局指联邦制国度的地方当...
executive branch,Executive Office of the President- the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws legislative branch- the branch of the United States government that has the power of legislating judicial branch- the branch of the United States government re...
the government of a state in the United States 州政府 州政府 (State Government) 及联邦政府 (Federal Government) 于政策上为官立学校于财政、设定标准及其他事项方面提供支援. 而US government指美国政府,代表全美国,所以state government隶属于US governament,即 state government 是US governament的下级组织...
US和USA都泛指美国,很多情况下可以互用,但如果要放在名词前,那么只能用US,书写时一般写成U.S.: U.S. president = president of the United States 美国总统 U.S. Department of state= United States Department of state 美国国务院 U.S. citizen 美国公民 U.S. government 美国政府 此外,美国顶级域名为.u...
On Three Decisions of the Standing Committeeof the National People s Congress Authorizing the State Council Legislation; 试论全国人大及其常委会对国务院的三个授权立法决定 更多例句>> 6) State Council 国务院 1. The Historical Development of Chinese Government Institution -State Council and Its Charac...
4.Why does the Obama administration pursue almost the same foreign policy goals as the Bush Administration?Please refer to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's remarks 1. Compared with other types of political systems, the American design of government has several strengths and weaknesses: ...
Current U.S. government news, articles and press releases on national issues, state, county and city governments, political action commitees related Press release distribution service to newswire services.
1、Government in Britain and the US Government in BritainNational governmentThe center of government in Britain is PARLIAMENT(国会), which makes all the important laws for the country about crimes and punishment, taxation(犯罪), etc. Parliament is made up of the House of Commons, the House of...
Lenovo understands the challenges faced by federal, state, and local governments today and offers a comprehensive portfolio of technology solutions. Are you solving for the top 3 tech priorities in government IT right now? Find out Supply chain transparency ...
•Separationofpowers(Montesquieu)三权分立三权分立•RespectforConstitution•andlaw Twogovernments •GovernmentoftheUnion—dealwithforeignaffairsandmattersofgeneralconcernstoallthestates•Governmentofthestate--dealwiththingswhichconcernday-to-daylife The3SeparateBranchesofGovernment:LegislativeExecutiveJudicial...