New Government Healthcare Policies - Impact on Growth and Investment in the Biopharma Industry, presented at the US – Japan Health Sciences Dialogue 11th Annual Meeting, PhiladelphiaStephen Paul Mahinka
Recently, cross-border data transfer regulatory policies in both the US and China have shown divergent trends. The Chinese government has adopted a policy orientation that is strict yet increasingly accommodating, actively responding t...
The upcoming US presidential election is likely to have a significant impact on the healthcare industry. Both candidates have pledged to cut drug prices, allow the importation of certain medicines, and shift pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing back to the US. As a result of the Covid...
highway construction,healthcare,and staff salaries.The debt ceiling is a pointless mechanism created by Congress in 1939 that doesn't constrain spending but does make the U.S.government teeter chaotically on the brink of default every so often....
A top World Health Organization (WHO) official said on Monday that the United States seemed to have a "very clearly laid-out," science-based federal plan for fighting its coronavirus epidemics. "The federal government and the system of governors are working together to move America and its p...
PHS Public Health Service SRD standard risk donors 1. INTRODUCTION Since the emergence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, the US Public Health Service (PHS) has made recommendations to reduce the risk of HIV transmission associated with organ transplantation.1, 2, 3 Historically, ...
Public Health Service (PHS) guidelines, organ donors with risk factors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) are categorized as Increased Risk Donors (IRD). Previous studies have suggested that IRD organs are utilized at lower rates than ...
“Additionally, the government should lift constraints on H2-B visas by expanding eligibility to include India so there are options available for addressing employers’ needs for additional seasonal workers. Finally, for all franchisees, the Federal Trade Commission should thoughtfully review the Franchis...
But the free service funded by the U.S. government, the world’s largest health donor, might soon be unavailable. As he did in his first term, U.S President-elect Donald Trump is likely in January toinvoke the so-called global gag rule, a policy that ...
have had one or more TOPs and that widespread uptake makes the downstream impact of any possible harms have broad public health implications. While short-term harms do not appear to be excessive, from a public perspective longer term harm is conceiving, and clearly more study of particular ...