Federal government subsidies to make healthcare plans more affordable on the insurance marketplace are expected to end on 31 December 2022, making health insurance plans more expensive, possibly resulting in more Americans losing health insurance coverage because they can’t afford it. 此外,美国联邦政...
据估计,医疗补助计划将会在2022财年结束前覆盖约1.1亿人,当扩员计划终止时参保人数将会显著减少。 Federal government subsidies to make healthcare plans more affordable on the insurance marketplace are expected to end on 31 December 2022, making health insurance plans more expensive, possibly resulting in ...
officially ending the debt crisis – for now. The act agrees to restrict spending on civilian duties in exchange for a suspension of the debt ceiling. However, the act's credibility is undermined by its failure to cut or impose restrictions on military spending, revealing the U.S. government'...
Disclaimer: Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the US government. They should not be construed as an official position of AHRQ or the US Department of Health and Human Services. Additional Contributions: We thank Howard Tracer, MD (AHRQ), who contributed to the writing of the...
The government was to give every American "a health-care security card that will guarantee a comprehensive package of benefits" (23 September 1993).But the bill was never enacted into law.Needless to say that nearly a fifth of the population lived just one illness or accident away from ...
Recently, the Trump administration has taken the drastic––and we believe misguided––step to effectively ban government-funded research on fetal tissue altogether. In this article, we show that entire lines of research and their clinical outcomes would not have progressed had fetal tissue been ...
“Additionally, the government should lift constraints on H2-B visas by expanding eligibility to include India so there are options available for addressing employers’ needs for additional seasonal workers. Finally, for all franchisees, the Federal Trade Commission should thoughtfully review the Franchis...
Consumers have the right to appeal denials of claims, but the KFF survey found that 60% do not know they have that right, and 76% do not know the government agency to contact for help in dealing with insurance problems. People who work for companies with well-staffed human resources depar...
Digital self-service and better access to information top the list of what the public most wants to see from government. Our benchmark research indicates steps that agencies can take to deliver.
The meetings were co-chaired by officials from the US Treasury Department (the “Treasury”) and the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), China’s central bank, and attended by officials from the US Federal Reserve, the Chinese Ministry of Finance (MOF), and other government agencies. The FWG...