报税的英文名叫Tax Returns,简单说来,就是按年度向美国政府的税务部门上报个人收入并据此向其缴纳个人所得税。操作步骤一般为:1) 到税务部门的官网下载报税用的表格;2) 按照表格填写说明,把上年度所有个人收入和符合免税条款的收入扣减项填入,表格里就会计算出你的个人所得税应缴数目;3) 在报税截止日期之前,用...
美国公民、国民或外国居民(Resident Alien):TurboTax、H&R Block、Credit Karma Tax(免费) 外国非居民(Non-Resident Alien):TaxAct(唯一可以 NRA e-file 报税)、Sprintax、Glacier Tax Prep 双重身份(Dual-Status Alien):一般主流的报税软件都无法进行。 如果你已经回到中国,还需要对上一年的收入进行报税的话,...
Irs.gov:退税进度查询 Irs.gov:退税进度查询所需信息 ftb.ca.gov:加州个税退税申报时效 tax.ny.gov:纽约州个税退税申报时效 Irs.gov: 预先扣缴时间节点 Irs.gov: 年度汇算清缴时间截点 Comptroller.texas.gov:德州个税退税时间 Floridarevenue:佛州个税退税申报截点 ftb.ca.gov:加州个税申报时间截点 *请参阅使用...
Tax refund process If you have worked in the USA during the last three years, you can apply for a tax refund. With RT Tax it is very simple: Register Submit necessary documents Confirm your bank account Get your tax refund RT Tax: Leading with Innovation! Experts in filing non-resident ...
amountoftaxowed. StateIncomeTaxFormThisformisdifferentforeachofthe50statesintheU.S.,andyouwill needtocompletetheformforthestate(s)inwhichyouhaveworked.Alistofstatetaxsites isavailableatwww.irs.gov. Theearlieryoufileyourtaxreturns,thesooneryouwillreceiveyourrefund.Rememberthe standarddeadlineforfilingtax...
Let us help get back your 30% withholding tax, fast and easy, we guarantee results or there's no fee.
Apply now with Refund Management Services to start your U.S. casino tax refund process. Get expert help with quick, hassle-free refunds.
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California nonprofit corporation and obtained 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS. Moreover, it will be authorized to serve as a parent organization to other subsidiary quilting guilds around the country that want to be a part of a “group tax exemption” and share the same tax ...