今年,PayScale统计了收入最高的学士学位数据,其受访者来自于全美 4,000 多所高校 、350 万名校友。PayScale 和其他排名最大的不同之处在于,它所有的报告都是基于调查的原始数据。而不是对地域、经济条件等因素进行“估算”得来的。而且PayScale薪酬调查报告还反映了工作地点、教育背景、职称水平、企业性质以及其...
Key Solutions Retailers Are Focusing on to Drive Growth This Year Trending Ready. Set. Scale. 2025 Customer Trends Every Small Business Should Know Small business experts highlight consumer trends that made their impact in 2024 and share insights into the key trends expected to shape 2025. ...
Many fintech software players have made direct strides into banking: Square got a banking license in 2021, SoFi acquired Golden Pacific Bancorp in 2022, and Twitter Payments received its first state money transmitter license in June 2023. For the largest banks, a move in the opposite direction...
February 16, 2023 Ajay Ghosh 0 (Philadelphia, PA; February 8, 2023) “It is with great pleasure that we announce that the 41st Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions organized by American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI) will be held from July 6th to 9th, 2003 in the...
Handle large payout volumes, like enabling $250 million be sent to approximately 200,000 customers within six weeks for Southwest Airlines.9 Security features Fraud is a big deal for enterprise organizations. One study forecasts that between 2023 to 2028, merchant losses from online payment fraud...
Businesses have been using tokenization for several years to help securely store customer data. Now, with network tokenization, customers' card networks are included in the encryption process. When a customer goes to pay, the encrypted token is used to complete the transaction, instead of their se...
根据美国薪酬统计网站Payscale近期数据显示,USCPA持证人的平均年薪是$6,6053; 美国注册会计师(AICPA)年薪通常在$ 48,000-$ 111,000。 但是持纽约州、马萨诸塞州、波士顿州等州的USCPA执照,不仅可以跨州执业,而且持证人的薪资也是大大的超过全美平均水平。点击了解自己是符合AICPA报考资格>> ...
or at least more specialized alternatives. Also, many companies complain about license costs with the newApplication Objects-based model(the more Application Objects – screens, API methods, and database tables – your app has, the more you pay),and the company actually increased prices in 2023...
If you are only looking to certify as a small business or a small disadvantaged business, you do not need to complete a formal certification process and can self-certify when registering on SAM.gov. This registration is also required for those who wish to pursue small business set-aside oppor...
编者作文:路边社报道,近期懂王大脑有恢复正常的迹象,4月的关税范围或小于此前比较负面的预期。衰退风险可能被错误定价,市场正在部分price out衰退,美股在5-6月经济数据证实企稳后有望新高。债券市场也不再有人做空美债了,因为Bessent真的能通过搞死经济把空头爆掉。白宫加密办也有一些利好,如果V型反转了,6月份13W大...