Gold price in USD (US Dollar). Historical chart and real-time quote (live price per gram, ounce, kilo) on the LBMA, yearly performance in US Dollar.
Value from The Previous Market Day2915.30 Change from The Previous Market Day0.21% Value from 1 Year Ago2004.10 Change from 1 Year Ago45.77% FrequencyMarket Daily UnitUSD per Troy Ounce AdjustmentN/A Download Source FileUpgrade NotesLondon PM fix daily gold prices....
The current gold price per ounce is $2,916.28 USD. Explore detailed price comparisons, charts, and updates on gold rates in US Dollars.
GoldCore quotes a live spot price per ounce in the US, with gold available for immediate delivery or storage. The current spot price for an ounce of gold is quoted at the top of this page. This is the US dollar price per ounce. While gold is traded on the international markets in US...
XAU Gold gram [Gold gram] 43.252687 % JPY Japan [Japanese yen] 0.756107 % HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar] 0.645899 % SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar] 0.402878 % USD United States [US dollar] 0.000000 % GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling] -0.299958 % CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB...
Silver price in USD (US Dollar). Historical chart and real-time quote (live price per gram, ounce, kilo) on the LBMA, yearly performance in US Dollar.
EUR/USD News Gold alternates gains with losses around $2,870 Gold keeps its inconclusive price action near the $2,870 region per ounce troy on Thursday against the backdrop of a marked recovery in the Greenback and a mild rebound in US yields across the curve. Go...
View full chart 1 Silver Ounce兑 US Dollar 统计数据 过去30 天过去 90 天 高位 这些是过去 30 天和 90 天内的最高汇率。 32.06032.060 低 这些是过去 30 天和 90 天内的最低汇率。 26.46923.721 平均 这些是这两种货币在过去 30 天和 90 天的平均汇率。
Volume unit conversion between quart (US) and fluid ounce (UK), fluid ounce (UK) to quart (US) conversion in batch, qt (US) fl oz (UK) conversion chart
Gold prices continue to correct from the new all-time high set on August 6, 2020. On that date, gold hit $2,074 per ounce – the highest cost to purchase one ounce of gold in the history of mankind. Since that point, gold has corrected some $226 or 10.9% to the recent low of ...