EPA expands reporting of GHG emissions data. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) February 5 published a second year of Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) data on its website, offering the public insight into an expanded set of moreA Burger...
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks by State: 1990–2020; https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/methodology-report-inventory-us-greenhouse-gas-emissions-and-sinks-state-1990-2020 (2023). Johnson, M. R., Conrad, B. M. & Tyner, D. R. Creating measurement-based oil and gas sector methane ...
helps highlight the key areas for prioritizing investments to efficiently reduce emissions within the sector. Emissions from grazing are primarily caused by enteric fermentation in beef cows, which are mostly reared on the rangelands of the western United States...
UseSectorGHGEmissionsbyGas**Note:Totalsmaynotaddto100%duetorounding.Shareo U.S.TransportationEnd-UseSectorGHGEmissionsbySource**Note:Totalsmaynotaddto100%duetorounding.Whenincludingemissions romnon-transportationmobilesources3suchasagricultural,lawnandgarden,andconstructionequipment,mobilesourcesconstitutednearlya...
Although the US secretary of defense may waive the requirement to disclose emissions information, the NDAA notes that such waivers must be issued on a contract-by-contract basis and the information required to be disclosed must be directly related to contract performan...
Targeting the trucking industry and analyzing the truck transportation share of each US sector yields results on the effectiveness of non-road alternative modes of transportation to reduce energy, GHG emissions, costs, as well as Acknowledgements We would like to thank the National Science Foundation...
Several of the hardest hit economic sectors—including transportation, electric power, and industry—are also the leading sources of US GHG emissions. With the possible exception of the power sector—where coal’s decline has been driving a steady reduction in power sector emissions over the past ...
The transportation sector is the second largest contributor to Egypt's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after energy-contributing approximately 19 percent. Transporting containers and other freight by train has a lower carbon footprint than by road. The Bank estimates the project will reduce greenhouse ...
Because of their electric propulsion capabilities, the new vessels are expected to reduce GHG emissions by the equivalent of 7,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. In addition to reducing emissions, the ferries also have increased capacity. Collectively, it is expected that more than 1.2 million...
(NGFS). These pathways can be regional and sector specific and set a net zero target of 2050, in line with GFANZ (Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero) industry standards. We make use of this feature for all GHG scopes. This enhanced ITR model was implemented by MSCI on February 19,...