无论是 US GAAP 或者IFRS,只有incomefrom discontinued operations是 net of tax (3)revenue recognition 在收入确认上,US GAAP 和IFRS有相同的地方,也有不同。相同的地方:权利义务已经转移,收回款项可以确认。不同:IFRS要求 cost可以可靠计量 US GAAP:there is evidence of an arrangement betweenthe buyer ...
在收入确认上,US GAAP 和IFRS有相同的地方,也有不同。 相同的地方:权利义务已经转移,收回款项可以确认。 不同:IFRS要求 cost可以可靠计量 US GAAP:there is evidence of an arrangement between the buyer and seller (4) long-term contract的revenue recognition 但由于我又懒得打字,所以手写的笔记,如下图: (5...
FASB and IASB initiated their joint project on revenue recording to converge IFRS and US GAAP in this area. The main objective of this paper is comparative analysis of revenue recognition under both systems and evaluation of the most significant differences in revenue recognition and measurements as...
IFRS:放其他综合收益OCI,以后期间不摊销 US GAAP:放其他综合收益,以后期间摊销 个人觉得IFRS这里更谨慎一些,因为pension asset/liability的升值减值是动态的,处理原则类似可供出售金融资产的公允价值变动。个人觉得IFRS这里更谨慎一些,因为pension asset/liability的升值减值是动态的,处理原则类似可供出售金融资产的公允价值...
2. Recognition of Accounting Elements Whether a company reports under US GAAP vs IFRS can also affect whether or not an item is recognized as anasset,liability,revenue, or expense, as well as how certain items are classified. Research and Development (R&D) Costs ...
Recently issued standard on revenue recognition, IFRS 15 and its American counterpart FAS 606 are a good example of these mutual efforts. On the other hand, these two bodies are not that successful when it comes to financial instruments. ...
As a result, the financial statements under US GAAP can be pretty different from those under IFRS. However, one of the major areas –revenue recognition – is aligned, so at least this is the good news! Let me pick up a few differences and sum them up for you. ...
IFRS与US GAAP比较 USGAAPvs.IFRSComparison SemiconductorManufacturingInternationalCorporation Generalapproach •USGAAP•IFRS-InternationalFinancialReportingStandards -Rule-basedstandardswithmorespecificapplicationguidance-Generallyfewerchoices -Principle-basedstandardswithlimitedapplicationguidance-Generallymorechoices Semiconduct...
on revenue recognition. The preparation of a new common standard on revenue recognition is the main aim of this project. The structure of the paper is divided into three parts. Theoretical background presents the historical development of IAS/IFRS and US GAAP convergence efforts in general. Second...
Revenue Recognition US GAAP More specific guidance exists on revenue recognition, particularly relating to industry specific issues. In addition, public companies must follow more detailed guidance provided by the SEC. IFRS General revenue recognition principles are provided that are consistent with US ...