租赁的分为经营租赁(operating lease)和融资租赁/ 资本租赁(financial leasing (IFRS) / capital leasing (US GAAP)),在CFA学习备考中也是很重要的知识点,对象不同,所要求的也不同,那今天融跃小编给你说说! 资本租赁和经营租赁对于财务报表的影响: 现金流量表 资本租赁:利息支出属于运营性现金流,本金部分属于融资...
楼主接下来要展开的重点,就是狭义GAAP,也就是一般企业、非盈利性组织本适用的准则。 从2009年7月1日开始,FASB颁布的Accounting Standards Codification (简称“ASC”) 成为US GAAP官方唯一指定认证的准则。 在此之前,FASB及各类相关机构,围绕GAAP发布过各种各样的准则、规定,文件多如牛毛,请参见以下发布机构(数字)...
Passkey:In GAAP,a lease may be capital lease for lessee and operating lease for lessor. In IFRS,the lessee and the lessor will,in most cases,classify a lease consistently as a finance lease or an operating lease. Lessee Capital/Finance lease accounting Guaranteed residual value is the amount ...
Under US GAAP, initially, lessees account for both operating and finance lease in the same way (ROU asset, lease liability). Subsequently, accounting for lease liability is the same for both types of leases, but there is a difference in amortizing ROU asset. Exemptions from classification: IFR...
Convergence of IFRS and US GAAP in the field of lease: the impact of new methodological approaches for operating lease reportingdoi:10.11118/actaun201260070345Patrik SvobodaHana BohusovaMendel University PressSVOBODA, P., BOHUSOVA H., 2012: Convergence of IFRS and US GAAP in the field of lease:...
The Lease Standards, effective 2019, requires that leases greater than 12 months are reported on Balance Sheets as Right of Use Assets under both US GAAP and IFRS. US GAAP distinguishes between Operating and Finance Leases (both are recognized on the Balance Sheet), while IFRS does not. ...
EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted OIBDA are not measures of financial performance under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States (GAAP) and should not be considered as alternatives to Net income or Cash flows from operating activities, as indicators of cash flows or as ...
With the globalization and advancement of India, Indian accountant professionals(IAP) are not only required to follow the India AS but also required to follow the US GAAP, as many MNC are doing the accounting job from India and IAP are not require to prepare the financials for Indian company...
US GAAP vs. PRC GAAP USGAAPvs.PRCGAAPComparison SemiconductorManufacturingInternationalCorporation FrameworkforFinancialReporting •USGAAP -SFAS,FASBInterpretations,APBOpinionsandARB-FASBTechnicalBulletins,EITF-AICPAIndustryAuditandAccountingGuides,AICPAStatementsofPosition-SECSAB-PCAOBstandards •PRCGAAP -Financial...
IFRS与US-GAAP比较英文课件.ppt,US GAAP vs. IFRS Comparison General approach US GAAP Rule-based standards with more specific application guidance Generally fewer choices IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards Principle-based standards with limite