美国注册会计师又称为USCPA(全称:United States Certified Public Accountant),是美国注册会计师协会American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA)旗下专业会计师认证,是世界财会领域顶尖的证书之一,受到国际的高度认可,在全球范围内可豁免多达八个国家/地区的会计师执业证书! 美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)是...
Accounting = 直观、多功能且基础,但也简单、方便和多彩! 今天免费试用。 Top Highlights: ProSheet: An innovative feature designed as an interactive quick reference series for various accounting topics. Currently, it includes Volume 2, with more volumes planned for future updates. Multi Views: Display ...
The primary accounting models for consolidation are the voting interest entity model and the VIE model. This edition of On the Radar covers differences between the two models and considers questions to ask when determining which to use for identifying a
For publicly-traded companies in the US, these rules are created and overseen by theFinancial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)and referred to as US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP). On the other hand, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) created and oversees theI...
Depending on the jurisdiction, these financial statements may need to be in local language and adopt local accounting conventions. Reporting formats like US GAAP, IFRS and UK GAAP are commonly-used, but these can still pose a technical challenge for HQ finance teams. ...
Public Accounting – AuditingBusiness consulting experiences in IT, Pharmaceutical, Media industries Experienced in US GAAP, GAAS, SOXTeaching/Trainings – English, Chinese, Mathematics, Professional Excel teachingProfessional Interpreting & Writing 开班信息 不限 广州 深圳 不限 学时 学费 操作 校区地址 ...
Quarterly accounting roundup: Third quarter 2024 CFO succession: Time to jump-start a high-stakes process? California climate legislation update – Reporting deadlines remain unchanged Getting ambitious with ESG C-suite leaders brace for rise in deepfake financial fraud ...
Now, it is 2020 and although the world has come closer to the uniform accounting principles (IFRS), US GAAP is still around and doing pretty well and yes, accountants still face a challenging task when they need to prepare two different sets of standards. ...
US_GAAP_-_course AccountingUpdate FAS140,141and142 Contents FASBItemsFAS140IssuesFAS141and142 PricewaterhouseCoopers FAS140Issues FAS140Issues(continued)•Revisesthestandardsforaccountingforsecuritizationsandothertransfersoffinancialassetsandcollateral.ButitcarriesovermostofStatement125’sprovisionswithout...
(3) 会计准则不同:ACCA适用于英国会计准则和国际会计准则;USCPA适用的是GAAP准则(美国会计准则),由于美资公司在世界分布广泛,GAAP准则一直引领者国际会计的发展趋势。 (4)报考条件不同: ACCA:具备大专以上学历的学员可注册成为ACCA学员,没有学历的学员可注册成为FLQ学员,即可继续参加ACCA的学习。ACCA大学即可报考,在...