•国家空气质量标准(NAAQS):EPA 制定了一系列空气质量标准,包括对臭氧、颗粒物、一氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物等的限值,以确保空气质量符合公共健康和环境要求。2. 水质量标准:•国家排放标准(NPDES):规定了工业和城市排水口的水质量标准,以控制水体的污染物排放。•饮用水标准(Safe Drinking Water Ac...
usepa环保局riskbasedssls风险 USEPARisk-BasedStandardsforControllingContaminatedSites–SoilScreeningLevels(SSLs)April2,2007AaronYeow,USEPARelevantUnitedStatesEnvironmentalLaws•ComprehensiveEnvironmentalResponse,Compensation,andLiabilityAct(CERCLA)–Superfund•SafeDrinkingWaterAct(SDWA)CERCLA•CERCLA,commonlyknownas...
EPA Communique -- USEPA 2011 Infrastructure Investment Needs Survey (PDF) The infrastructure of tens of thousands of public water systems represents a substantial and multigenerational investment by the United States to support its communities by providing and ensuring safe drinking water. Understanding ...
Demi Lovato and Jon Hamm are among the many celebrities who've admitted to struggling with depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder — details
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), released the results of a water quality study ind...
Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, Supplement II. August 1992. (NTIS / PB92-207703 or CD ROM or NEPIS / http://www.epa.gov/clariton/clhtml/pubtitleORD.html). Supplement to EPA 600/4-88-039 (NTIS / PB91-231480)...
The agricultural industry, essential for food production, significantly contributes to water contamination. Annually, theEPAreports that about half a million tons of pesticides are used on crops in the contiguous United States. Additionally, approximately 12 million tons of nitrogen and 4 million tons ...
The CDC CLPPP also provided funds to the New England Regional EPA Laboratory to defray the cost of analyzing the medicines. Otherwise, the CDC LPPP and NCCAM had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; or preparation...