1.国家饮用水标准(National Primary Drinking Water Standards) 国家饮用水标准是由美国环境保护署(EPA)制定的,旨在保护公众免受由水源污染导致的疾病和健康问题的影响。该标准涵盖了包括细菌、病毒、化学物质和放射性元素在内的多种污染物。 国家饮用水标准将饮用水中能够容忍的化学和微生物因素数量限制在安全水平以下...
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing rules aimed at reducing illnessed caused by contaminants found in drinking water. This is a short news story only. Visit www.filtsep.com for the latest filtration industry news.doi:10.1016/S0015-1882(03)00713-4Filtration + Separaqtion ...
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Contaminant OC OC R IOC IOC Acrylamide Alachlor MCL or TT1 (mg/L)2 TT4 0.002 Potential health effects from long-term3 exposure above the MCL Nervous system or blood problems; increased risk of cancer Eye, liver, kidney or spleen problems; anemia; ...
Lumbar spineVertebral canalSpinal cord diseaseHumanA cross-sectional study on 18,325 patients with back pain enrolled at first visit in the National Spine Network (NSN) database from January 1998 to April 2000.To examine whether patients who had previous low back surgeries had poorer general ...
Use a microsyringe and rapidly inject the alcoholic standard into the water. Remove the needle as quickly as possible after injection. Accurate calibration standards can be prepared by injecting 20 ?L of the primary dilution standards to 25 mL or more of reagent water using the syringe described...
EPANET has an active open source software community including consulting engineers, students, researchers, software companies, professional organizations, other interested members of the public, and EPA partners. An Open Source EPANET Initiative is athttp://community.wateranalytics.org. Anyone wanting to...
perchlorate氯酸饮用水chromatographyepadrinking 314.0-1 METHOD314.0 DETERMINATIONOFPERCHLORATEINDRINKINGWATERUSINGION CHROMATOGRAPHY Revision1.0 November1999 DanielP.HautmanandDavidJ.Munch,USEPA,OfficeofGroundWaterandDrinkingWater AndrewD.EatonandAliW.Haghani,MontgomeryWatsonLaboratories NATIONALEXPOSURERESEARCHLABORATORY ...
Guidelines for drinking-water quality. Volume 2: Health criteria and other supporting information. 2nd Edition. This book describes how guideline values for drinking water contaminants are to be used, defines the criteria on which substances have been included, what ......
On December 1, 1999, two Hach methods received USEPA Approval for Drinking Water compliance monitoring. Documentation for these methods can be found in the Federal Register (Dec. 1, 1999, FR Vol. 64, No. 230, 67449-67467) and will be published in 40 CFR 141. The two USEPA-Approved...