用于分析环境萃取物中 PFAS 的一次性注射器 注射器在 PFAS 样品前处理流程中至关重要,对于极可能含颗粒物的样品(例如土壤、沉积物、地表水和废水)来说更是如此。US EPA8327及 ASTMD7979等法规方法中都有明确规定,在 LC/MS/MS 分析开始之前的最后一个步骤当中应当使用注射器进行过滤。一次性针头过滤器可节省时间...
根据2020年10月相关机构向EPA提交的报告显示,在当地发现了归属科慕的54种已知的PFAS。 但由于大多数PFAS测试只能识别有限数量的PFAS,当研究人员在换用新测试方法后发现,工厂周围的环境受到PFAS的污染比监管机构发现的还要严重。分析结果显示除了54种已知的PFAS之外,还检测到了不明的PFAS化学品。 在早前发给美国政府的...
Exposure science plays a critical role in the US EPA's research program because the complexity of PFAS chemistry and use leads to a multitude of possible exposure pathways and both human and ecological receptors. Understanding exposure is key to identifying the key risk ...
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published the final Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) to regulate the use of certain long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylate and perfluoroalkyl sulfonate chemicals (LCPFACs or long-chain PFAS) ...
“PFAS are persistent, bioaccumulative, and of concern globally, with several countries looking to regulate them in water and soil. As a market leader in environmental analysis, Agilent is pleased to offer our customers a solution to achieve EPA Method 1633 performance requirements confidently,” exp...
Exposure to PFAS is associated with reproductive and developmental effects, certain cancers, liver harm and hormone disruption. The paper notes that in 2023, the EPA proposed to set the maximum allowable level for six PFAS at zero parts per trillion, highlighting the toxicity of these and the go...
Concerned about the chemicals’ ability to weaken children’s immune systems, the EPA said last year that PFAS could cause harm at levels “much lower than previously understood.” “We as a community of scientists and policymakers and regulators really missed the boat early on,” said Susan Pi...
(MCL) allowed by the EPA regulations9, which was then used to reconstitute PXVX0200 buffer and active components. For example, the MCL for copper is 1.3 mg/L so for these studies copper was spiked into the MBGW to a create a solution with the final concentration of 13 mg/L copper. ...
EPA to Convene National Leadership Summit to Take Action on PFAS | US EPAUS EPA,OA,OEAEE,OMR
Exposure to PFAS is associated with reproductive and developmental effects, certain cancers, liver harm and hormone disruption. The paper notes that in 2023, the EPA proposed to set the maximum allowable level for six PFAS at zero parts per trillion, highlighting the toxicity of these and the go...