用于分析环境萃取物中 PFAS 的一次性注射器 注射器在 PFAS 样品前处理流程中至关重要,对于极可能含颗粒物的样品(例如土壤、沉积物、地表水和废水)来说更是如此。US EPA8327及 ASTMD7979等法规方法中都有明确规定,在 LC/MS/MS 分析开始之前的最后一个步骤当中应当使用注射器进行过滤。一次性针头过滤器可节省时间...
EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan in a press conference highlighted upcoming actions, including regulating PFAS under the federal Safe Water Drinking Act, which would set limits in drinking water. Particular PFAS chemicals will be deemed hazardous substances and be regulated under the Superfund program...
Exposure science plays a critical role in the US EPA's research program because the complexity of PFAS chemistry and use leads to a multitude of possible exposure pathways and both human and ecological receptors. Understanding exposure is key to identifying the key risk ...
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published the final Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) to regulate the use of certain long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylate and perfluoroalkyl sulfonate chemicals (LCPFACs or long-chain PFAS)...
Exposure to PFAS is associated with reproductive and developmental effects, certain cancers, liver harm and hormone disruption. The paper notes that in 2023, the EPA proposed to set the maximum allowable level for six PFAS at zero parts per trillion, highlighting the toxicity of these and the go...
饮用水:根据 EPA 方法 537.1,满足 PFAS 分析的法规要求 US EPA 方法 537.1 是一种固相萃取 (SPE) 液相色谱/串联质谱 (LC/MS/MS) 方法,用于分析饮用水中的 18 种选定 PFAS,包括 PFOS 和 PFOA。多反应监测 (MRM) 可用于提高选择性,定量依赖于内标校正。该方法使用 Agilent Bond Elut LMS SPE 柱提取饮用水...
EPA to Convene National Leadership Summit to Take Action on PFAS | US EPAUS EPA,OA,OEAEE,OMR
Exposure to PFAS is associated with reproductive and developmental effects, certain cancers, liver harm and hormone disruption. The paper notes that in 2023, the EPA proposed to set the maximum allowable level for six PFAS at zero parts per trillion, highlighting the toxicity of these and the go...
US EPA 方法 533 是一种固相萃取 (SPE) 液相色谱/串联质谱 (LC/MS/MS) 方法,用于测定饮用水中的 25 种目标 PFAS。多反应监测 (MRM) 可用于提高选择性,可通过同位素稀释进行定量。方法 533 可解决 EPA 方法 537 和537.1中更具挑战性的 C4 和 C5 酸及磺酸盐。其还可将链长限制至 C12 酸,从而提供短链...
US EPA 方法 1633 是一种经过实验室验证的方法,用于检测废水、地表水、地下水、土壤、生物固体、沉积物、垃圾渗滤液和鱼组织中九个化合物类别共 40 种 PFAS 化合物(包括直链和支链异构体)。除一些新的 PFAS 种类以外,还包括 EPA 饮用水方法 533 和 537.1 中列出的所有分析物。该方法是一种稳定的标准化...