The creation of the EPA ALT-082 standard allowing for the use of digital cameras and accompanying analysis software is an immense step forward in the field of opacity measurement. The subjectivity often present within Method 9 is eliminated in the DOCS system format that uses multiple levels of ...
采用气相色谱法,用电子捕获检测器测量水中有机氯农药的含量 ...
Application Note US EPA Method 8260 With the Tekmar Lumin and the Agilent 7890B GC/5977A MS Author Roger Bardsley Applications Chemist, Teledyne Tekmar Abstract US EPA Method 8260 is used primarily by environmental labs for the analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in soils and water. ...
Method 1622: cryptosporidium in water by filtration/IMS/FA 2001. Method 1622: Cryptosporidium in water by Filtration /IMS/ FA. EPA-821-R-01-026. US, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Washington... EP Agency - 《Tratamento Da Gua》 被引量: 242发表: 1999年 ...
中文名称: US EPA METHOD 1668A/B/C "STARTER KIT" 中文同义词: 美国EPA方法1668A / B / C套件;US EPA方法1668A / B / C“启动试剂盒” 英文名称: US EPA METHOD 1668A/B/C "STARTER KIT" 英文同义词: US EPA METHOD 1668A/B/C "STARTER KIT" CAS号: 分子式: 分子量: 0 EINECS号: ...
US EPA method 6020A is a performance-based method that specifies quality control (QC) criteria for calibration validity, linear dynamic range (LDR), and method detection limits (MDLs). Prior to ICP-MS analysis, labs are advised to use a sample digestion
联系电话:978 749-8000 电子邮件 国籍:美国 产品介绍:英文名称:US EPA METHOD 8290 RECOVERY STANDARD SOLUTION (13C12, 99%) IN NONANE 纯度:98% 备注:同位素 CB指数:79 网址 相关信息:全球销售网络产品目录(6598)用户评价 1...
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南京睿督公司专业提供EPA Method 24及欧盟指令Council Directive 1999/13/EC有机化合物测试,大多国家和组织对VOC的定义是指沸点低于或等于250℃的任何有机化合物,挥发到大气中的VOC用来指在涂料的使用过程中,挥发到大气中的溶剂和一些化学物质,这些物质会危害环境。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
EPA 540-2-88-005Field Screening Methods Catalog: User's Guide. September 1988. (NTIS / PB89-134159)EPA 540/2-90-005aEnvironmental Asbestos Assessment Manual: Superfund Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Ambient Air, Part 1: Method.Interim Version, May 1990. (NTIS /PB90-274283 or...