纯度:Concentration:1,000ug/ml in high-purity Hexane;US EPA Methods:625,8270C 货号:A196983 产品介绍: 产品基于重量/重量的基本原理进行重量分析制备而成。溶质和溶剂都于Aladdin技术人员利用OIML 可追溯重量进行校准的衡器上进行称重。Aladdin持有校准非自动称量仪器的 ISO17025 认证(INAB 参考:265C)。由此产生...
多氯联苯 1016,Type:Concentration:1,000ug/ml in high-purity Hexane;US EPA Methods:625,8270C中文名:多氯联苯 1016英文名:Aroclor 1016纯度:Type:Concentration:1,000ug/ml in high-purity Hexane;US EPA Methods:625,8270C货号:A298534产品
多氯联苯1248,Type:Concentration:200ug/ml in high-purity Hexane;US EPA Methods:625,8270C中文名:多氯联苯1248英文名:Aroclor 1248纯度:Type:Concentration:200ug/ml in high-purity Hexane;US EPA Methods:625,8270C货号:A298541产品介绍:
Paul H. ChenWilliam A. VanAusdaleW.Scott KeeranDwight F. RobertsChemosphereChen PH, VanAusdale WA, Keeran WS, Roberts DF. GC/MS identification of artifacts formed during sam- ple preparation using USEPA methods 625 and 8270. Chemosphere 1993;26:1743....
EPA 540-2-88-005Field Screening Methods Catalog: User's Guide. September 1988. (NTIS / PB89-134159)EPA 540/2-90-005aEnvironmental Asbestos Assessment Manual: Superfund Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Ambient Air, Part 1: Method.Interim Version, May 1990. (NTIS /PB90-274283 or...
625/R-93-003a Municipal Waste Combustion Ash for TC SAMPLING 530/R-95-036 Mysid shrip acute toxicity test AQUATIC 797.1930 Mysid shrip chronic toxicity test AQUATIC 797.1950 Chemical or Method Description Method Number EPA or other Report # 40 CFR Pt Go to Section: A-D, E-M, N-Se, ...
SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is not classified as corrosive, ignitable, or reactive under the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Analysis‡MethodResults Corrosivity EPA 150.1 Not corrosive (pH = 8.25) Corrosivity (by Corrositex) DOT-E 10904 Category ...
SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is not classified as corrosive, ignitable, or reactive under the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Analysis‡MethodResults Corrosivity EPA 150.1 Not corrosive (pH = 8.25) Corrosivity (by Corrositex) DOT-E 10904 Category 2 noncorrosive Ignitability ...
epa.gov 相似文献Pesticides The last 30 years have been marked by concern regarding the effects of pesticides on human health and on the environment. Unwanted and adverse effects on m... RL White - 《Science》 被引量: 214发表: 1964年 Pesticides doi:US8445689 B2Breaux, Nneka T.Loso, Michael...
SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is not classified as corrosive, ignitable, or reactive under the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Analysis‡MethodResults Corrosivity EPA 150.1 Not corrosive (pH = 8.25) Corrosivity (by Corrositex) DOT-E 10904 Categor...