内容提示: Method 3060A 1.· EPA Method 3060AAg[dPAPCi 2.¤ i Mg 2+ ]bCC7196 iuC Cr 3+ ->Cr 6+ iC 3.»] (1)µ l 100 mL (2)¶ M 100 mL (3)¿ N~ 1000 mL 100 mL (4)¯ uLo (5)Â o 0.45£ g m¡ A cellulosic polycarbonate C (6)¥ [b 90~95 C...
epaalkalinemethoddigestateoxidationcolorimetrically CD-ROM3060A-1Revision1 December1996 METHOD3060A ALKALINEDIGESTIONFORHEXAVALENTCHROMIUM 1.0SCOPEANDAPPLICATION 1.1Anyreferenceinthismethodto“Method3060"referstothisversionofthatmethod, anddoesnotrefertopreviouslypublishedversions(e.g.,intheSecondEditionofthismanual)...
按USEPA3060A:1996 &USEPA7196A:1992《碱解法-分光光度法测定土壤中六价铬》操作规程进行实验。 2不确定度评定: 2.1标准曲线绘制 吸取5.00mL100mg/L的六价铬标准溶液于100容量瓶中定容,配制成5.00μg /mL的标准使用溶液。准确移取0.0mL,2.0mL,4.0mL,6.0mL,8.0mL,10.0mL六价铬标准使用溶液于100mL容量瓶中...
依据标准号:USEPA 3060A-1996 北达智汇微构分析测试中心 负责人:倪寿亮 联系人:倪寿亮 联系电话:4000064028 13701185201 咨询签订合同 服务详情咨询记录成交记录 六价铬为吞入性毒物/吸入性极毒物,皮肤接触可能导致敏感;更可能造成遗传性基因缺陷,吸入可能致癌,对环境有持久危险性。但这...
EPA Method 3060A does not allowufficient sensitivity for routine analysis at the recentlyoposed California PHG level of 0.02 µg/L. Modifications this EPA method presented here result in a 0.003 µg/Lmit of quantitation (LOQ), which is more than sufficient for nalysis at the proposed ...
us epa 7196a 比色法测试六价铬离子
Index to EPA Test Methods, December 2001, is also available as a 347K Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). To find the correct method, first find the substance or the method type in the list. (you can either scroll or, use your web browser's "find" function.) The document ...