EPA 540-2-88-005Field Screening Methods Catalog: User's Guide. September 1988. (NTIS / PB89-134159)EPA 540/2-90-005aEnvironmental Asbestos Assessment Manual: Superfund Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Ambient Air, Part 1: Method.Interim Version, May 1990. (NTIS /PB90-274283 or...
This disposability avoids contamination from one sample to the next, which is invaluable for tests performed subject to, for and/or by regulatory agencies like the EPA and FDA where contamination is a concern. In one embodiment of the present invention, a planar MEMS FAIMS chip was fabricated i...
lead sampling, lead samplers, particulate monitoring, particulate emissions, pesticide monitoring, pesticide sampling, total suspended particles, particulate samplers, Federal Reference Method PM-10, Federal Reference Method PM2.5, EPA Method TO-4A, EPA Method TO-9A, EPA Method TO-13A, and much more...
Annual fertilizer statistics were obtained from the US EPA (https://www.epa.gov/nutrient-policy-data/commercial-fertilizer-purchased). These data are reported by crop and nutrient form. Data reported as P2O5were herein converted to P using the factor 0.436. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA...