The FIRE database includes EPA's recommended emission estimation factors for criteria and hazardous air pollutants. SPECIATE SPECIATE is EPA's repository of Total Organic Compound (TOC) and Particulate Matter (PM) speciated profiles for a variety of sources for use in source apportionment studies. ...
Air ToxicsModel EvaluationProcess AnalysisA multiple-pollutant version of CMAQ v4.6 (i.e., CMAQ-MP) has been applied by the US EPA over continental US in 2002 to demonstrate the model's capability in reproducing the long-term trends of ambient criteria and hazardous air pollutants (CAPs and ...
The EPA is proposing amendments to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants… Read more Post On 15/07/2024 [E.U] Interoperability Guidance between ISSB-ESRS Standards Published
Emissions refer to gases that are released directly into the air. Emissions originate from both natural sources as well as anthropogenic equipment and processes used in electricity generation, transportation, industrial facilities, commercial and residential buildings, agriculture, land use...
ETS contains many chemical species whose industrial emissions are regulated by the US federal government as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). In this paper, average daily residential exposures to and intakes of 16 HAPs in ETS are estimated for US nonsmokers who live with smokers. The evaluation ...
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Resources EPM Weee Compliance Environmental Analysis Webinars and Podcasts Environmental regulations aimed to protect human health and the environment The US EPA sets safety standards and methods to ensure our water, air, and soils are safe...
Evaluation of Hazardous Air Emissions at a Petroleum Recovery Hazardous Waste Site as Analyzed by the TAGA 6000E The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Response Team Center (U.S. EPA/ERTC) was requested by Region VI of the U.S. EPA to quantify the amounts of methane, ...
Around 72 million people in the United States live next to truck freight routes, and they are more likely to be people of color or from low-income households, the EPA said. Harmful air pollutants in truck emissions, including nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and more can exacerbate serious ...
EPA 330/9-80-002Microbial Bioassay for Toxic and Hazardous Materials (Ames Test for Mutagenicity). September 1980 (Region 1 Library)EPA 402/R-92-003Protocols for Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Homes. June 1993.(NEPIS /
Managing hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)In 2022, we will arrange the hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) inspection and establish our own pollutant fingerprint database. Reduction of VOCs emissions We constantly promote pollution reduction, replace fuels with clean energy, and effectively collect exhaust to...