Policyconflicts AmericaentersWW1(1917)&proposestheLeagueofNationsbutCongressfailstoratifyit.America(1939)aidsBritainbutmanyinCongressopposedirectintervention.PearlHarbour:theendofisolationism Trumandoctrine:containment •Postwarcommunistexpansion:EasternEurope+China+?•EuropestabilizedafterBerlincrisis:NATOvWarsawPact(...
This has happened already in Canada, England, France, Germany, and Australia with the establishment of ADL’s/B’nai B’rith’s, Department of Global Anti-Semitism in the US State Department, and a 55-nation Hate Crimes bureaucracy centered in Europe, the Organization for Security and ...
not unlike the new-generation of managed equipment services (MES) contracts being signed in various countries inEurope. These win-win technology partnerships are a solid step towards the re-alignment of incentives across the imaging value chain. ...