SmartestEnergy is an independent renewable energy company backed by the Marubeni Corporation. We’re driving the worldwide transition to net zero.
Renewable power generation (2023) Equinor share 107,174 USD million Total revenues and other income (2023) Our global presence Equinor is an international energy company with a proud history. All of us play a part in its future. Our company was established in 1972 to create value and build ...
built in factories running on Siemens automation, even charged—if they happen to be electric—by a renewable and decentralized Siemens smart grid. We work in buildings using Siemens technology to keep us comfortable and healthy, take trips on Siemens trains, and rely on lifesaving drugs sped to...
Confidently operate, connect, and regulate your solar plant. Energy Storage Optimize storage with field-proven energy management. Microgrid Realize low operating costs and the most resilient microgrid possible. Hydro Power Improve plant reliability and optimize operations for power generation....
by FY 2029/30 from a FY 2018/19 base year.This goal may be accomplished through energy efficiency, installation of onsite renewable generation, entry into power purchase agreements (PPA) with power providers, and/or the purchase of renewable energy commodities. Scope 2 emissions are market-based...
This is an overview of MXDR-EPDR, which supports assets both on and off networks to prevent malware and ransomware attacks using next-generation antivirus and endpoint detection and response. This is just one of our MXDR module solutions.Learn More Deloitte Dbrief Emerging cybersecurity threats...
The Solar Energy Industries Association has urged a framework for solar to achieve 20% of U.S. electricity generation by 2030. Abigail Ross Hopper, the group’s president and CEO, said the DOE study “makes it clear that we will not achieve the levels of decarbon...
Seasonal increases in hydroelectric generation also helped drive the overall increase in renewable generation. Conventional hydroelectric generation, which remains the largest source of renewable electricity in most months, totaled 25 million MWh in April. Hydroelectric generation tends to peak in the spring...
Combined, net electrical generation by wind and solar is 16.4% greater than a year ago” The growth of wind and solar energy generation projected by Dennis may end up looking very conservative. Dennis Coyne 11/11/2020 at 10:42 am Hickory, I am focusing on the World rather than individual...
Energy producers are also able to sell the excess energy to the grid. Distributed energy storage solutions such as EVs, microgrids, and virtual power plants (VPPs) avert the expansion of coal, oil, and gas energy generation. Moreover, they enable greater reliance on renewables through the integ...