14. US Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia Area Covered (Acres):7.57 US trade with the Dutch colony of Indonesia established a consular post in Jakarta in1801. 1958, the current US embassy compound opened, a masterpiece designed by Czech architects Antonin Raymond and Ladislav Rado. 13. US Embassy Mexi...
Tags:Consular Officer,Consular Processing,Department of Homeland Security,DHS,DOS,DS-160,DS-260,Extreme Vetting,immigration,U.S. Department of State,us embassy bangkok,us embassy thailand,US Immigration,US Immigration Thailand,US Visa,US Visa Thailand,visa Posted inUS Consulate ChengDu,US Consulate C...
embassy in Jakarta. China claims most of the energy-rich South China Sea through which about $3 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. Neighbors Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims. (Reporting by Fanny Potkin; Editing by Nick Mac...