Democrat 16 Democrats up for election Gained 2 seats Republican 20 Republicans up for election Lost 2 seats Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Fla. Ga. Hawaii Idaho Ill. Ind. Iowa Kan. Ky. La. Maine Mich. Minn. Miss...
Democrat 14 Democrats up for election Gained 1 seat 51 for control Republican 21 Republicans up for election Lost 1 seat Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Fla. Ga. Hawaii Idaho Ill. Ind. Iowa Kan. Ky. La. Maine Mich...
This is a problem both for presidential elections and for hopes of regaining control in the Senate. If you enjoyed this map you may also be interested in:If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate In The 2020 US Presidential Election And if you’re wondering what factors lead to Biden’s ...
In a year with many high-profile elections around the globe, none is keeping international audiences on the edges of their seats like theUS Presidential Election 2024. After the Democratic Convention in August in August, both candidates and their running mates were officially confirmed. ...
Trump306 Key states Fla29 Penn20 Ohio18 Geor16 Mich16 NC15 Va13 Ariz11 Colo9 Nev6 Iowa6 Utah6 NH4 Expected Clinton Leaning Minn10 Wis10 Ore7 NM5 RI4 Maine2 Maine11 Solid Calif55 NY29 Illinois20 NJ14 Wash12 Mass11 Md10 Conn7 ...
Bernie Sanders has by far the most donors so far, and they’re distributed broadly, so the second map on the page excludes Sanders donors to tease out where other candidates’ donors are concentrated regionally. Link•Categories Politics•Tags 2020 US elections, New York Times, USA Search...
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skip to content news news sections cartoons top stories elections health news politics new york world report business news coronavirus games leaders trump transition best countries home overall rankings rankings index countries index news resources methodology faq best states home overall rankings 2024...
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• Updating live Control of both chambers of US Congress has been decided in themidterm elections. In the Senate,Democrats will retain control, having won key battleground races in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, and a run-off election in Georgia on December 6. In the House,Republicans secu...