CNN provides two choropleth map views for an expanded geographic look at the 2024 U.S. presidential election results. The first shows states with their abbreviations. A key difference from previous choropleth maps is that here states where a flip occurred, compared to the 2020 winner’s party,...
Former US president Donald Trump has been elected as the 4th president of the United States after comfortably winning the 2024 presidential election. The Republican candidate has secured more than 270 electoral votes after winning in key swing states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The Republican ...
Election 2024 Results and Live Updates Updated: Feb. 5, 1:56 PM ET Presidential Results Projection: Trump is President-electExpected Vote Reporting: 99% Switch to: Senate House Governor226 312 226 312 Harris 75,017,613 270 to win Trump 77,302,580 Map of election results. Use arrow keys...
Each state is guaranteed a minimum of three electoral votes. Presidential candidates require 270 votes to secure victory. Grab blue and red markers, print this map, and colour in during election-night. Note: This edition has been updated to reflect the Electoral Vote distribution based on the n...
Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Democrat Win Gain Republican Win Gain Other Win Gain Pending Results Polls Open Counties are colored red or blue when the % expected vote reporting reaches a set threshold. This threshold va...
The Sky News poll tracker (always useful, whatever the current state of the race) is still showing a consistent lead for Harris. But because it's well within the margin of error, it doesn't tell us anything about who's likely to win the election. ...
Your guide to what the 2024 US election means for Washington and the world Once a quintessential US swing state that could decide general elections, Ohio has drifted to the right. It voted decisively for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 and just a single Democrat has won a statewide election ...
Yitz GoldbergDec 4, 2024, 7:12 PM Post-election: Trump's popularity soaring New poll: Trump's popularity continues to soar, with a 6% increase since the pre-election period; support for Biden at an unprecedented low.Nisan TsurNov 27, 2024, 12:43 PM White House: Biden will attend Trump...
A Flourish map A Flourish election chart US ELECTION EXPLAINED Trump to withdraw from Paris climate agreement, White House says It will take time for Joe Biden's legacy to become clear Trump is like the boy who got everything he wished for. What will he do with it?
5:36 a.m. 14:46:24, November 9, 2024 Markets have their best week of the year amid post-Election Day clarity From CNN's John Towfighi US stocks closed at record highs on Friday, notching their best week all year after Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election. The...