To some extent, the weaker economy in this scenario is not surprising: The stated purpose of tariffs is to re-shore manufacturing to the United States, but that process will take time, so any benefits of such a policy will not be felt during the next four years. The policy of mass depo...
It seems that no cost for the Russia-Ukraine conflict is too high for them. The conflict has not only forced the civilian population in a life-threatening crisis, and destroyed the economy, cultural institutions and political democracy in Ukraine but also made the EU less democratic and a more...
By the time President Biden came into office, we had to contend with the reality that a large non-market economy had been integrated into the international economic order in a way that posed considerable challenges. The People’s Republic of China continued to subsidize at a massive scale bot...
In the interest of neoliberal democracy, the US has taken many anti-democratic actions, and triggered and/or fought wars, in order to engineer regime change in different countries. The results have been a devastated, unstable Iraq, a shambolic Libyan society and economy, and a war-ravaged Afgh...
we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation, not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago, "We hold these truths to...
Then, almost without warning, the steady rise of China's economy and S&T capabilities became a catalyst for questioning the validity of that cardinal principle. Three things seemed to drive a reconsideration of US policy toward China: 1) the rapidity of China's rise--which had not been antici...
作者: Economists raised their US growth projections through early 2024 and trimmed recession odds to a one-year low as consumers continue to spend. The economy probably expanded at an annualized 3.5% rate in the third quarter, the fastest in nearly two years, as forecasters marked up their ...
Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced across the economy, grew at a 1.6% annualized rate during the first quarter.
The National Retail Federation expects the economy to grow nearly 7 percent this year as businesses reopen and consumer confidence continues to rise.
“It's not as though monetary policy isn’t having an effect on the economy. It is. It’s just not having as much of an effect as quickly as I would have guessed,” Kashkari said of theFederal Reserve’s campaignto bring down inflation through higher interest rates. ...