【交易精選】道瓊指數暴跌突破支撐線,是恐慌還是誘空? ThinkMarkets IndicesFundamental/Technicallid Date 【交易精選】美國CPI數據公佈對市場的影響,歐元對美元,納斯達克,黃金分析 ThinkMarkets IndicesDaily briefinglid Date 【本周分析】:失業率未能減弱加拿大聯准會決定繼續降息? Stephen Shum IndicesFundamental/Technicalli...
ORGANIZATIONS, PEOPLE AND ECONOMIC DATA THAT INFLUENCE US DOLLAR INDEX The US Dollar Index news can be seriously affected by the decisions taken by these organizations and people: Fed, the Federal Reserve of the United States whose president isJerome Powell. The Fed controls the monetary policy, ...
The US dollar index measures the value of the US dollar compared to 6 other major world currencies, including the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona, and Swiss franc. It's useful for traders to gauge the dollar's relative strength. A rising US dollar index...
作者: 美元指数(US Dollar Index,简称USDX或DXY)是通过计算美元对一篮子主要货币的汇率加权平均值来得出的。这一篮子货币包括欧元、日元、英镑、加拿大元、瑞典克朗和瑞士法郎。每种货币在美元指数中的权重反映了其在国际贸易中的重要程度。 2024年,美元指数在外汇市场上“一枝独秀”,在美联储累计降息100个基点的背景...
The US Dollar Index (DXY), which tracks the performance of the US Dollar (USD) against six major currencies, is bracing for a possible pivotal outcome and trades slightly below 107.00 at the time of writing on Tuesday.
美元指数(US Dollar Index,简称 USDX)是衡量美元强弱的指标,它通过计算美元与其他主要货币的汇率加权平均值来得出。 美元指数的主要成分货币包括欧元、日元、英镑、加元、瑞典克朗和瑞士法郎。这些货币在全球范围内具有重要的地位和影响力,它们的汇率波动会对全球经济和金融市场产生重要影响。
The US dollar index DXY broke through 104, for the first time since June 8, with an intraday increase of 0.64%.The translation is provided by third-party software. The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice related to Futu...
U.S. Dollar Index (ICE US) Front Month advanced future charts by MarketWatch. View DX.1 futures and commodity data and compare to other futures, stocks and exchanges.
For those of you that are unaware, the US dollar index measures the relative strength of the USD against 6 other currencies that are the trading partners of the United States. Inside that basket of currency pairs, the EURUSD makes up the bulk of the measure. ...
美元指数(US Dollar Index,简称USDX或DXY)是一个衡量美元对一篮子主要货币汇率的指标。它通过计算美元与选定的一组六大国际货币(欧元、日元、英镑、加拿大元、瑞典克朗和瑞士法郎)的汇率加权平均来反映美元的整体价值。 美元指数的计算方式如下: - 欧元(EUR):57.6% 的权重 ...