3.5.2 A Pen/Trap order must be issuedbyaUS District Court(including a magistrate Judge of such a court) or a US Court of Appeals. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 3.5.2 《通訊紀錄/監測法規》的命令須由美國地方法院(包括一名 此類法院的裁判官)或美國上訴法院發出。
bankruptcycourtdistrictopposingridgwayminneapolis USBANKRUPTCYCOURT HonorableMichaelERidgway Currentasof4/7/2017at4:40PM Friday,April7,2017 (ItemsStrickenfromCalendarShown) FORTHEDISTRICTOFMINNESOTA USCourthouseCourtroom7West 300S4thSt Minneapolis,MN55415 Minneapolis U.S.BankruptcyCourt 9:30AM17-40267 Ch7 ...
On September 17, 2021, the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York approved Purdue’s chapter 11 plan, including the nonconsensual releases, but the order was vacated by the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, which held that noncon...
Related toUS Bankruptcy Court Proceedings CCAA Proceedingsmeans the proceedings commenced by the Applicant under the CCAA as contemplated by the Initial Order; U.S. Bankruptcy Courtmeans the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. ...
Philippine Airlines (PR, Manila Ninoy Aquino International) has announced it has won US court approval to access financing for its Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, the...
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA MIAMI DIVISION www.flbc.uscourts.govB. CIELO on the Bay10. The Debtor is the developer and owner of the luxury residential condominium development known as CIELO on the Bay ("CIELO" or the "Property") located at 7935 East Drive, ...
美国破产法庭(US Bankruptcy Court) 已在2005年12月22日举行的听证会上有条件地批准了此次资产出售。预计该交易将于不 … biz.cn.yahoo.com|基于7个网页 2. 美国破产法院 安然债权人向纽约的美国破产法院(US Bankruptcy Court)指控称,花旗集团在安然公司倒闭一案中涉嫌欺诈,与该公司串通一 … ...
1)theUS BankruptcyCourt confirming that its previous orders which lay down procedures for Lehman Brothers to enter into [...] publicbank.com.hk publicbank.com.hk 1) 美國破產法庭確認雷曼兄弟先前就若干衍生工具合約所產生的申索達成 和解的程序的法令,乃適用於與相關系列迷你債券的抵押品有關的和 解。
The Constitution (a bankruptcy compact) designates and limits the powers of the newly established central government and restrict its venue to a district not exceeding 10 miles square and areas purchased for forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings. The organic Constitution ...