Like the Walking Liberty halves, theMercury dimeswere also design by Weinman. For a misnomer, these dimes do not contain mercury. Instead, they got their nickname because the portrait of Lady Liberty wears a winged cap (reminiscent of the Roman god Mercury), on the obverse. The key dates f...
E., Dimes, J. P., Keating, B. A., Dalal, R. C. & Strong, W. M. APSIM’s water and nitrogen modules and simulation of the dynamics of water and nitrogen in fallow systems. Agric. Syst. 56, 1–28 (1998). Article Google Scholar Thorburn, P. J., Meier, E. A. & Probert...
dimas dEm6s dime dIm dimensional d6menS~L dimensionality d6menS@nal6d/ dimensionally d6menS~L/ dimensions d6menS~z dimery dimPE dimes dImz diminish d6min6S diminishing d6min6S6N dimitri d6mEtrE dimitry dimEtrE dimly diml/ dimock dimok dimona d6mOn@ dimsdale dimzdAl din din dinah dIn@...
The local March of Dimes / March for Babies. This is a one-day event at Mercer County Park, typically held the last Sunday in April The cycling segment of the NJ Triathlon. This is a two-day event at Mercer County Park, typically held the last weekend in July Check theClub Calendarfor...
Dimes, A.M. Whitbread, J. Hunt, H. van Rees, T. McClelland, P.S. Carberry, J.N.G. Hargreaves, N. MacLeod, C. McDonald, J. Harsdorf, S. Wedgwood, B.A. Keating APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation Environ. Model. Softw., 62 (2014), ...