US retail gasoline prices rise,diesel and heating oil slip According to the US EIA,the national average retail price for regular-grade gasoline(conventional and reformulated together)dipped by 1.6¢/gal from the Oc... WRBD Group - Worldwide Refining Business Digest: The Fast-read Comprehensive ...
The surge in the difficulty of obtaining US diesel has complicated Europe's existing supply constraints, which have been extremely dependent on Russian fuel exports for many years. This month, US diesel prices once soared to a four-month high of more than 48 US dollars per barrel, curtailing ...
In addition, flooding in the Farm Belt has cut planting of crops, which reduces the demand for diesel. The surprising jump in crude stocks spurred selling in the oil market, with U.S. futures dropping by 2.1%, or $1.31 per barrel, to $61.81 as of 10:02 a.m. CDT (15:02 GMT), ...
Services prices at the wholesale level declined in February, slipping 0.1%. A substantial 1.1% drop in shipping costs lowered overall services prices. Energy prices dropped 0.2%, with the costs of heating oil, natural gas, and diesel fuel all declining. Food prices sank 2.2% from January to ...
The Fuel of the Future May Rely on Developing Oilier Soybeans; Modified beans that produce more oil could satisfy the need for renewable diesel without having to dedicate as much land to growing them. Gerson Freitas Jr and Michael Hirtzer – Bloomberg To reduce the carbon emissions from passen...
The average price for regular gasoline increased about three cents to $2.75 per gallon, 25 cents more than a year ago, according to the July 28 issue of "This Week in Petroleum," published by the Energy Information Administration (EIA).The average on the East Coast moved up two cents to...
of its pandemic hole and is almost as tight as it’s ever been; there are nearly twice as many listed job openings as unemployed people. Prices for gasoline, diesel, and natural gas have doubled or more since 2020. Ocean-shipping c...
The presentation of the company’s results triggered a drop in share prices of trucking companies, including Saia, Old Dominion, ArcBest and TFI International. The rise in diesel prices is going to make the going tougher yet for truckers, especially the smaller operators....
Furthermore, because most commercial vehicles are diesel-powered, they require more maintenance than their gasoline-powered counterparts. To purify diesel, a single filter or a combination of primary and secondary filters is used. These filters must be replaced on a regular basis, depending on the...
Weaker resale values for battery cars means new EVs will be comparatively less affordable than petrol or diesel models that are expected to lose less value over the same period. The metric is key for setting lease prices, where a motorist will finance the amount of money that a vehicle loses...