WageandHourDivision 2010PrevailingWage Conference U.S.DepartmentofLabor WageandHourDivision InternetSites WageDeterminations–http://.wdol.gov WageandHourDivision-http://.dol.gov/whd OfficeoftheAdministrativeLawJudgesLawLibrary- http://.oalj.dol.gov ...
Prices, discounts, or terms or conditions of sale; Profits, profit margins, or cost data; Market shares, sales territories, or markets; Pay scales, wage and salary ranges, or compensation formulas; Allocation of customers or territories;
The three Secretaries must make legal determinations about site availability for leasing or rights of way. Sites receive “cleared” status when the relevant Secretary confirms lease availability and authority. By March 31, 2025, the Defense and Energy Secretaries must launch public solicitations for ...
1.02Grant of Authority. Owner hereby grants Manager full power and authority to take all actions and to do all things reasonably required to perform the obligations of the Manager under this Agreement; provided that: (i) Manager shall not have the power and authority to grant any mortgage, enc...
The Plaintiffs have challenged the conclusions reached by the Department as arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to law while DOL and the Growers have both urged the Court to recognize the limited scope of judicial review and uphold the Department's determinations as set forth in the Final Report...
STANDARDS/ MAJOR DIFFERENCES Question: What standards will be used in making labor certification determinations under the new, streamlined system? ) The standards used in making labor certification determinations under the new system will be substantially the same as those used in arriving at a ...