2、国防部的Section 1260H List 为了填补1999年的列名标准的漏洞,2021年的NDAA第1260H条规定,要求国防部公布CMC清单,并且在1237的标准上增加了军民融合企业的规定,将范围大幅扩大。自此,包括接受资助、联合研发、某些平台发布广告都会被认定,而且也有兜底条款,大大增加了移名的难度。 The Secretary of Defense shall ...
The NDAA for FY21 provides funding for the Department of Defense, and makes significant updates, from Congress, as to what Congress believes should be the priorities for the Department. It's not surprising that both the DoD and Congress focused the legislation on ...
In June, the US House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act for the year 2025 (FY25 NDAA), which includes the Countering CCP Drones Act. Among other things, this Act will require the inclusion of telecommunications and video surveillance equipment or services produced by ...
as defined in the FY 2018 NDAA Section 891, and timelines of that development, including software delivered within intervals of three, six, nine, and twelve months after acquisition. The report also requires an explanation of why iterative development was not used for any such sof...