which have claimed more than 500,000 lives. And yet it keeps supplying military aid to keep the conflict in Eurasia alive so US arms manufacturers can make more and more profits. The US defense spending will not do anyone any good. True, it may help weaken Russia but that would be ...
Defense committees from both Houses of Congress were meeting in September 2005 to thrash out any last minute differences in the Department of Defense (DoD) $453.28-billion, Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Defense budget hoping to complete their work by the start of the new fiscal year, October 1, ...
Friday, December 16, 2022 – The Senate of the United States has passed legislation that authorizes a record $858 billion in annual defense spending. The approved legislation is $45 billion more than what was proposed by President Joe Biden. With an 83-11 bipartisan majority, the National Def...
This naturally raises the question: what is behind the sudden interest in boosting US defense spending, after a decade and a half of continuous war? The official reason for the boost, and one that has some merit, is the sorry state of the US military. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, ...
With US debt skyrocketing to $13.5 trillion, the rallying cry from Washington is to cut spending. But many politicians refuse to address defense spending.
THE White House says President Donald Trump's upcoming budget will propose a whopping US$54 billion increase in defense spending and impose corresponding cuts to domestic programs and foreign aid. The result is that Trump's initial budget wouldn't dent budget deficits projected to run about US$...
Canada is on track to reach 1.76 percent of GDP on defense spending by 2030, a policy that U.S. lawmakers have criticized in no uncertain terms as unacceptable. This includes Rep.Mike Turner(R-Ohio), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, who called Canada’s failure to reach 2 percen...
After some Republicans threatened to vote against the deal over the tightened defense spending, the Senate's Democratic and Republican leaders promised that the caps would not prevent the chamber from passing supplemental spending legislation to provide more money for Ukraine and the Department of...
By 2025 or 2026, the United States may hit a bleak milestone: Federal interest payments could exceed the country’s entire defense budget, according to Moody’s Analytics. For context, defense spending stood at $767 billion in fiscal 2022. ...
Former Vice President Mike Pence criticized the debt limit deal struck between President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for making “small reforms” and not including more for defense spending. However, Pence stopped short of saying whether he believes Congress should vote for or against...